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Schedule Data Object - Campaign Management

Defines the start and end date ranges for ad extension scheduling.

Use the StartDate and EndDate elements for calendar level scheduling, and then use DayTimeRanges to limit scheduling by day of the week, hour, and minute.


<xs:complexType name="Schedule" xmlns:xs="">
    <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="DayTimeRanges" nillable="true" type="tns:ArrayOfDayTime" />
    <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="EndDate" nillable="true" type="tns:Date" />
    <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="StartDate" nillable="true" type="tns:Date" />
    <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="UseSearcherTimeZone" nillable="true" type="xs:boolean" />


The Schedule object has the following elements: DayTimeRanges, EndDate, StartDate, UseSearcherTimeZone.

Element Description Data Type
DayTimeRanges The list of day and time ranges. Each day and time range includes the scheduled day of week, start/end hour, and start/end minute.

Add: Optional. If you set this element to null, then ad extensions will be eligible for scheduling anytime during the calendar start and end dates.
Update: Optional. The individual DayTime objects cannot be updated. You can effectively update the day and time ranges by sending a new list of all DayTime settings that should replace the prior set. If you set this element to null, then you are effectively removing all existing day and time ranges.
DayTime array
EndDate The scheduled end date.

The end date is inclusive. For example, if you set EndDate to 12/31/2020, the ad extensions will stop being shown at 11:59 PM on 12/31/2020.

Add: Required with a FlyerAdExtension; Optional for other ad extension types. For most ad extension types if you do not specify an end date, the ad extensions will continue to be delivered unless you pause the associated campaigns, ad groups, or ads.
Update: Optional. For most ad extension types the end date can be shortened or extended, as long as the start date is either null or occurs before the new end date. If you set the end date to null, then you are effectively removing the end date and the ad extensions will continue to be delivered unless you pause the associated campaigns, ad groups, or ads. With a FlyerAdExtension you can cannot remove the end date; The end date can be shortened or extended, as long as the start date occurs up to 30 days before the new end date.
StartDate The scheduled start date.

The start date is inclusive. For example, if you set StartDate to 5/5/2020, the ad extensions will start being shown at 12:00 AM on 5/5/2020.

Add: Required with a FlyerAdExtension; Optional for other ad extension types. If you do not specify a start date, the ad extensions are immediately eligible to be scheduled during the day and time ranges.
Update: Optional. For most ad extension types the start date can be shortened or extended, as long as the end date is either null or occurs after the new start date. If set the start date to null, then you are effectively removing the start date and the ad extensions are immediately eligible to be scheduled during the day and time ranges. With a FlyerAdExtension you can cannot remove the start date. The start date can be shortened or extended, as long as the end date occurs up to 30 days after the new start date.
UseSearcherTimeZone Determines whether to use the account time zone or the time zone of the search user where the ads could be delivered.

Set this property to true if you want the ad extensions to be shown in the search user's time zone, and otherwise set it to false.

Add: Optional. If you do not specify this element or leave it null, the default value of false will be set and the account time zone will be used.
Update: When you update a schedule the existing settings are replaced with the new setting. Thus if you update a schedule and leave this element null, then you are effectively resetting to the default value of false.


Service: CampaignManagementService.svc v13

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