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HotelAd Data Object - Campaign Management

Defines a hotel ad. Hotel ads appear when a traveler searches for a hotel on search or maps.


<xs:complexType name="HotelAd" xmlns:xs="">
  <xs:complexContent mixed="false">
    <xs:extension base="tns:Ad">
      <xs:sequence />


The HotelAd object has Inherited Elements.

Inherited Elements

Inherited Elements from Ad

The HotelAd object derives from the Ad object, and inherits the following elements: AdFormatPreference, DevicePreference, EditorialStatus, FinalAppUrls, FinalMobileUrls, FinalUrls, FinalUrlSuffix, ForwardCompatibilityMap, Id, Status, TrackingUrlTemplate, Type, UrlCustomParameters. The descriptions below are specific to HotelAd, and might not apply to other objects that inherit the same elements from the Ad object.

Element Description Data Type
AdFormatPreference Not supported for this ad type. string
DevicePreference Not supported for this ad type. long
EditorialStatus Not supported for this ad type. AdEditorialStatus
FinalAppUrls Not supported for this ad type. AppUrl array
FinalMobileUrls Not supported for this ad type. string array
FinalUrls Not supported for this ad type. string array
FinalUrlSuffix The final URL suffix can include tracking parameters that will be appended to the end of your landing page URL. We recommend placing tracking parameters that your landing page requires in a final URL suffix so that your customers are always sent to your landing page. For more details and validation rules see Final URL Suffix in the technical guides.

Add: Optional
Update: Optional. If no value is set for the update, this setting is not changed. If you set this element to an empty string (""), the previous setting will be deleted.
ForwardCompatibilityMap The list of key and value strings for forward compatibility to avoid otherwise breaking changes when new elements are added in the current API version.

There are currently not any ForwardCompatibilityMap key and value pairs that are applicable for hotel ads.
KeyValuePairOfstringstring array
Id The unique Microsoft Advertising identifier for the ad.

Add: Read-only
Update: Required and Read-only
Status The status of the ad.

You can set the ad status to Active or Paused.

Add: Optional
Update: Optional
TrackingUrlTemplate The tracking template to use as a default for all landing page URLs.

The following validation rules apply to tracking templates. For more details about supported templates and parameters, see the Microsoft Advertising help article What tracking or URL parameters can I use?
- Tracking templates defined for lower level entities e.g. ads override those set for higher level entities e.g. campaign. For more information, see Entity Limits.
- The length of the tracking template is limited to 2,048 characters. The HTTP or HTTPS protocol string does count towards the 2,048 character limit.
- The tracking template must be a well-formed URL beginning with one of the following: http://, https://, {lpurl}, or {unescapedlpurl}.
- Microsoft Advertising does not validate whether custom parameters exist. If you use custom parameters in your tracking template and they do not exist, then the landing page URL will include the key and value placeholders of your custom parameters without substitution. For example, if your tracking template is{_season}&promocode={_promocode}&u={lpurl} and neither {_season} or {_promocode} are defined at the campaign, ad group, criterion, keyword, or ad level, then the landing page URL will be the same.

Add: Optional
Update: Optional. If no value is set for the update, this setting is not changed. If you set this element to an empty string (""), the previous setting will be deleted.
Type The type of the ad. This value is Hotel when you retrieve a hotel ad. For more information about ad types, see the Ad Data Object Remarks.

Add: Read-only
Update: Read-only
UrlCustomParameters Your custom collection of key and value parameters for URL tracking.

Microsoft Advertising will accept the first 8 CustomParameter objects that you include within the CustomParameters object, and if you include more than 8 custom parameters an error will be returned. Each CustomParameter includes Key and Value elements.

Add: Optional
Update: Optional. If no value is set for the update, this setting is not changed. Set the UrlCustomParameters element to null or empty to retain any existing custom parameters. To remove all custom parameters, set the Parameters element of the CustomParameters object to null or empty. To remove a subset of custom parameters, specify the custom parameters that you want to keep in the Parameters element of the CustomParameters object.


Service: CampaignManagementService.svc v13