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GenderDimension Data Object - Campaign Management

Defines a GenderDimension data object.


If you're advertising in connection with any financial, insurance, education, career and employment, and/or housing services, you cannot use individuals' demographics—such as age, gender, location, etc.—for the purpose of personalizing advertising, segmenting, or profiling customers.


<xs:complexType name="GenderDimension" xmlns:xs="">
  <xs:complexContent mixed="false">
    <xs:extension base="tns:AudienceGroupDimension">
        <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="GenderTypes" nillable="true" type="tns:ArrayOfGenderType" />


The GenderDimension object has the following elements: GenderTypes.

Element Description Data Type
GenderTypes A list of gender types.

Add: Required
Update: Optional. To remove existing values, set it to null or empty. To remove a subset of gender types, specify the gender types that you want to keep and it will replace the existing gender types.
GenderType array

The GenderDimension object has Inherited Elements.

Inherited Elements

Inherited Elements from AudienceGroupDimension

The GenderDimension object derives from the AudienceGroupDimension object, and inherits the following elements: Type. The descriptions below are specific to GenderDimension, and might not apply to other objects that inherit the same elements from the AudienceGroupDimension object.

Element Description Data Type
Type The type of audience dimensions, the following dimension types are supported as of now: Age, Gender, Audience.

Add: For more information about audience types, see the Remarks.
Update: For more information about audience types, see the Remarks.


Service: CampaignManagementService.svc v13