
Del via

Escalate a job

This guide shows you how to escalate a Job in a Queue by using an Exception Policy.


Escalation Overview

Escalation can take the form of several different behaviors including moving a Job to a different Queue and/or specifying a higher priority. Jobs with a higher priority are distributed to Workers before jobs with a lower priority. For this how-to guide, we use a Classification Policy and an Exception Policy and to achieve this goal.

Classification policy configuration

Create a Classification Policy to handle the new label added to the Job. This policy evaluates the Escalated label and assigns the Job to either Queue. The policy also uses the Rules Engine to increase the priority of the Job from 1 to 10.

var classificationPolicy = await administrationClient.CreateClassificationPolicyAsync(
    new CreateClassificationPolicyOptions(classificationPolicyId: "Classify_XBOX_Voice_Jobs")
        Name = "Classify XBOX Voice Jobs",
        QueueSelectorAttachments =
            new ConditionalQueueSelectorAttachment(
                condition: new ExpressionRouterRule("job.Escalated = true"),
                queueSelectors: new List<RouterQueueSelector>
                new (key: "Id", labelOperator: LabelOperator.Equal, value: new RouterValue("XBOX_Escalation_Queue"))
        PrioritizationRule = new ExpressionRouterRule("If(job.Escalated = true, 10, 1)"),
var classificationPolicy = await client.path("/routing/classificationPolicies/{classificationPolicyId}", "Classify_XBOX_Voice_Jobs").patch({
    body: {
        name: "Classify XBOX Voice Jobs",
        queueSelectorAttachments: [{            
            kind: "conditional",
            condition: {
                kind: "expression",
                expression: 'job.Escalated = true'
            queueSelectors: [{
                key: "Id",
                labelOperator: "equal",
                value: "XBOX_Escalation_Queue"
        prioritizationRule: {
            kind: "expression",
            expression: "If(job.Escalated = true, 10, 1)"
    contentType: "application/merge-patch+json"
classification_policy: ClassificationPolicy = administration_client.upsert_classification_policy(
    classification_policy_id = "Classify_XBOX_Voice_Jobs",
    name = "Classify XBOX Voice Jobs",
    queue_selector_attachments = [
            condition = ExpressionRouterRule(expression = 'job.Escalated = true'),
            queue_selectors = [
                RouterQueueSelector(key = "Id", label_operator = LabelOperator.EQUAL, value = "XBOX_Escalation_Queue")
    prioritization_rule = ExpressionRouterRule(expression = "If(job.Escalated = true, 10, 1)")))
ClassificationPolicy classificationPolicy = administrationClient.createClassificationPolicy(
    new CreateClassificationPolicyOptions("Classify_XBOX_Voice_Jobs")
        .setName("Classify XBOX Voice Jobs")
        .setQueueSelectorAttachments(List.of(new ConditionalQueueSelectorAttachment(
            new ExpressionRouterRule("job.Escalated = true"),
            List.of(new RouterQueueSelector("Id", LabelOperator.EQUAL, new RouterValue("XBOX_Escalation_Queue"))))))
        .setPrioritizationRule(new ExpressionRouterRule("If(job.Escalated = true, 10, 1)")));

Exception policy configuration

Create an exception policy attached to the queue, which is time triggered and takes the action of the Job being reclassified.

var exceptionPolicy = await administrationClient.CreateExceptionPolicyAsync(new CreateExceptionPolicyOptions(
    exceptionPolicyId: "Escalate_XBOX_Policy",
    exceptionRules: new List<ExceptionRule>
            id: "Escalated_Rule",
            trigger: new WaitTimeExceptionTrigger(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5)),
            actions: new List<ExceptionAction>
                new ReclassifyExceptionAction(classificationPolicyId: classificationPolicy.Value.Id)
                    LabelsToUpsert = { ["Escalated"] = new RouterValue(true) }
    }) { Name = "Add escalated label and reclassify XBOX Job requests after 5 minutes" });
await client.path("/routing/exceptionPolicies/{exceptionPolicyId}", "Escalate_XBOX_Policy").patch({
    body: {
        name: "Add escalated label and reclassify XBOX Job requests after 5 minutes",
        exceptionRules: [
            id: "Escalated_Rule",
            trigger: { kind: "waitTime", thresholdSeconds: 5 * 60 },
            actions: [{ kind: "reclassify", classificationPolicyId:, labelsToUpsert: { Escalated: true }}]
    contentType: "application/merge-patch+json"
    exception_policy_id = "Escalate_XBOX_Policy",
    name = "Add escalated label and reclassify XBOX Job requests after 5 minutes",
    exception_rules = [
            id = "Escalated_Rule",
            trigger = WaitTimeExceptionTrigger(threshold_seconds = 5 * 60),
            actions = [ReclassifyExceptionAction(
                classification_policy_id =,
                labels_to_upsert = { "Escalated": True }
administrationClient.createExceptionPolicy(new CreateExceptionPolicyOptions("Escalate_XBOX_Policy",
    List.of(new ExceptionAction("Escalated_Rule", new WaitTimeExceptionTrigger(5 * 60),
        List.of(new ReclassifyExceptionAction()
            .setLabelsToUpsert(Map.of("Escalated", new RouterValue(true))))))
).setName("Add escalated label and reclassify XBOX Job requests after 5 minutes"));

Queue configuration

Create the necessary Queues for regular and escalated Jobs and assigns the Exception Policy to the regular Queue.


This step assumes you have created a distribution policy already with the name of Round_Robin_Policy.

var defaultQueue = await administrationClient.CreateQueueAsync(
    new CreateQueueOptions(queueId: "XBOX_Queue", distributionPolicyId: "Round_Robin_Policy")
        Name = "XBOX Queue",
        ExceptionPolicyId = exceptionPolicy.Value.Id

var escalationQueue = await administrationClient.CreateQueueAsync(
    new CreateQueueOptions(queueId: "XBOX_Escalation_Queue", distributionPolicyId: "Round_Robin_Policy")
        Name = "XBOX Escalation Queue"
await administrationClient.path("/routing/queues/{queueId}", "XBOX_Queue").patch({
    body: {
        distributionPolicyId: "Round_Robin_Policy",
        name: "XBOX Queue"
    contentType: "application/merge-patch+json"

await administrationClient.path("/routing/queues/{queueId}", "XBOX_Escalation_Queue").patch({
    body: {
        distributionPolicyId: "Round_Robin_Policy",
        name: "XBOX Escalation Queue"
    contentType: "application/merge-patch+json"
    queue_id = "XBOX_Queue",
    distribution_policy_id = "Round_Robin_Policy",
    exception_policy_id =,
    name = "XBOX Queue")

    queue_id = "XBOX_Escalation_Queue",
    distribution_policy_id = "Round_Robin_Policy",
    name = "XBOX Escalation Queue")
administrationClient.createQueue(new CreateQueueOptions("XBOX_Queue", "Round_Robin_Policy")
    .setName("XBOX Queue"));

administrationClient.createQueue(new CreateQueueOptions("XBOX_Escalation_Queue", "Round_Robin_Policy")
    .setName("XBOX Escalation Queue"));

Job lifecycle

When you submit the Job, it is added to the queue XBOX_Queue with the voice channel. For this particular example, the requirement is to find a worker with a label called XBOX_Hardware, which has a value greater than or equal to the number 7.

await client.CreateJobAsync(new CreateJobOptions(jobId: "job1", channelId: "voice", queueId: defaultQueue.Value.Id)
    RequestedWorkerSelectors =
        new RouterWorkerSelector(key: "XBOX_Hardware", labelOperator: LabelOperator.GreaterThanOrEqual, value: new RouterValue(7))
var job = await client.path("/routing/jobs/{jobId}", "job1").patch({
    body: {
        channelId: "voice",
        requestedWorkerSelectors: [{ key: "XBOX_Hardware", labelOperator: "GreaterThanOrEqual", value: 7 }]
    contentType: "application/merge-patch+json"
    job_id = "job1",
    channel_id = "voice",
    queue_id =,
    requested_worker_selectors = [
        RouterWorkerSelector(key = "XBOX_Hardware", label_operator = LabelOperator.GreaterThanOrEqual, value = 7)
administrationClient.createJob(new CreateJobOptions("job1", "voice", defaultQueue.getId())
        new RouterWorkerSelector("XBOX_Hardware", LabelOperator.GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL, new RouterValue(7)))));

The following lifecycle steps occur once the configuration is complete and the Job is submitted:

  1. The Job is sent to Job Router and produces the RouterJobReceived and RouterJobQueued events.
  2. Next, the 5-minute timer begins and triggers if no matching worker is assigned. After 5 minutes, Job Router emits a RouterJobExceptionTriggered and another RouterJobQueued event.
  3. At this point, the Job moves to the XBOX_Escalation_Queue and the priority is set to 10.