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Quickstart: Submit a job for queuing and routing

Get started with Azure Communication Services Job Router by setting up your client, then configuring core functionality such as queues, policies, workers, and Jobs. To learn more about Job Router concepts, visit Job Router conceptual documentation


Sample code

You can review and download the sample code for this quick start on GitHub.

Setting up

Create a new C# application

In a console window (such as cmd, PowerShell, or Bash), use the dotnet new command to create a new console app with the name JobRouterQuickstart. This command creates a simple "Hello World" C# project with a single source file: Program.cs.

dotnet new console -o JobRouterQuickstart

Change your directory to the newly created app folder and use the dotnet build command to compile your application.

cd JobRouterQuickstart
dotnet build

Install the package

Install the Azure Communication Job Router client library for .NET with NuGet:

dotnet add package Azure.Communication.JobRouter

You'll need to use the Azure Communication Job Router client library for .NET version 1.0.0 or above.

Add the following using directives to the top of Program.cs to include the JobRouter namespaces.

using Azure.Communication.JobRouter;

Initialize the Job Router client and administration client

Job Router clients can be authenticated using your connection string acquired from an Azure Communication Services resource in the Azure portal. We generate both a client and an administration client to interact with the Job Router service. The admin client is used to provision queues and policies, while the client is used to submit jobs and register workers. For more information on connection strings, see access-your-connection-strings-and-service-endpoints.

// Get a connection string to our Azure Communication Services resource.
var routerAdminClient = new JobRouterAdministrationClient("your_connection_string");
var routerClient = new JobRouterClient("your_connection_string");

Create a distribution policy

Job Router uses a distribution policy to decide how Workers will be notified of available Jobs and the time to live for the notifications, known as Offers. Create the policy by specifying the ID, a name, an offerExpiresAfter, and a distribution mode.

var distributionPolicy = await routerAdminClient.CreateDistributionPolicyAsync(
    new CreateDistributionPolicyOptions(
        distributionPolicyId: "distribution-policy-1",
        offerExpiresAfter: TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1),
        mode: new LongestIdleMode())
        Name = "My distribution policy"

Create a queue

Create the Queue by specifying an ID, name, and provide the Distribution Policy object's ID you created above.

var queue = await routerAdminClient.CreateQueueAsync(
    new CreateQueueOptions(queueId: "queue-1", distributionPolicyId: distributionPolicy.Value.Id)
        Name = "My Queue" 

Submit a job

Now, we can submit a job directly to that queue, with a worker selector that requires the worker to have the label Some-Skill greater than 10.

var job = await routerClient.CreateJobAsync(
    new CreateJobOptions(jobId: "job-1", channelId: "voice", queueId: queue.Value.Id)
        Priority = 1,
        RequestedWorkerSelectors =
            new RouterWorkerSelector(key: "Some-Skill", labelOperator: LabelOperator.GreaterThan, value: new RouterValue(10))

Create a worker

Now, we create a worker to receive work from that queue, with a label of Some-Skill equal to 11 and capacity on my-channel.

var worker = await routerClient.CreateWorkerAsync(
    new CreateWorkerOptions(workerId: "worker-1", capacity: 1)
        Queues = { queue.Value.Id },
        Labels = { ["Some-Skill"] = new RouterValue(11) },
        Channels = { new RouterChannel(channelId: "voice", capacityCostPerJob: 1) },
        AvailableForOffers = true

Receive an offer

We should get a RouterWorkerOfferIssued from our Event Grid subscription. However, we could also wait a few seconds and then query the worker directly against the JobRouter API to see if an offer was issued to it.

await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));
worker = await routerClient.GetWorkerAsync(worker.Value.Id);
foreach (var offer in worker.Value.Offers)
    Console.WriteLine($"Worker {worker.Value.Id} has an active offer for job {offer.JobId}");

Accept the job offer

Then, the worker can accept the job offer by using the SDK, which assigns the job to the worker.

var accept = await routerClient.AcceptJobOfferAsync(workerId: worker.Value.Id, offerId: worker.Value.Offers.FirstOrDefault().OfferId);
Console.WriteLine($"Worker {worker.Value.Id} is assigned job {accept.Value.JobId}");

Complete the job

Once the worker has completed the work associated with the job (for example, completed the call), we complete the job.

await routerClient.CompleteJobAsync(new CompleteJobOptions(jobId: accept.Value.JobId, assignmentId: accept.Value.AssignmentId));
Console.WriteLine($"Worker {worker.Value.Id} has completed job {accept.Value.JobId}");

Close the job

Once the worker is ready to take on new jobs, the worker should close the job. Optionally, the worker can provide a disposition code to indicate the outcome of the job.

await routerClient.CloseJobAsync(new CloseJobOptions(jobId: accept.Value.JobId, assignmentId: accept.Value.AssignmentId) {
    DispositionCode = "Resolved"
Console.WriteLine($"Worker {worker.Value.Id} has closed job {accept.Value.JobId}");

Delete the job

Once the job has been closed, we can delete the job so that we can re-create the job with the same ID if we run this sample again

await routerClient.DeleteJobAsync(accept.Value.JobId);
Console.WriteLine($"Deleting job {accept.Value.JobId}");

Run the code

Run the application using dotnet run and observe the results.

dotnet run

Azure Communication Services - Job Router Quickstart
Worker worker-1 has an active offer for job job-1
Worker worker-1 is assigned job job-1
Worker worker-1 has completed job job-1
Worker worker-1 has closed job job-1
Deleting job job-1


Running the application more than once will cause a new Job to be placed in the queue each time. This can cause the Worker to be offered a Job other than the one created when you run the above code. Since this can skew your request, considering deleting Jobs in the queue each time. Refer to the SDK documentation for managing a Queue or a Job.

Reference documentation

Read about the full set of capabilities of Azure Communication Services Job Router from the .NET SDK reference or REST API reference.


Sample code

You can review and download the sample code for this quick start on GitHub.

Setting up

Create a new web application

In a terminal or console window, create a new folder for your application and navigate to it.

mkdir acs-router-quickstart && cd acs-router-quickstart

Run npm init to create a package.json file with default settings.

npm init -y

Create a new file index.js where you'll add the code for this quickstart.

Install the packages

You'll need to use the Azure Communication Job Router client library for JavaScript version 1.0.0 or above.

Use the npm install command to install the below Communication Services SDKs for JavaScript.

npm install @azure-rest/communication-job-router --save

Set up the app framework

In the index.js file, add the following code. We'll add the code for the quickstart in the main function.

const JobRouterClient = require('@azure-rest/communication-job-router').default;

const main = async () => {
  console.log("Azure Communication Services - Job Router Quickstart")

  // Quickstart code goes here


main().catch((error) => {
  console.log("Encountered an error");

Initialize the Job Router client

Job Router clients can be authenticated using your connection string acquired from an Azure Communication Services resource in the Azure portal. We generate a client to interact with the Job Router service. For more information on connection strings, see access-your-connection-strings-and-service-endpoints.

Add the following code in index.js inside the main function.

const connectionString = process.env["COMMUNICATION_CONNECTION_STRING"] ||
const client = JobRouterClient(connectionString);

Create a distribution policy

Job Router uses a distribution policy to decide how workers are notified of available Jobs and the time to live for the notifications, known as Offers. Create the policy by specifying the Id, a name, an offerExpiresAfterSeconds, and a distribution mode.

const distributionPolicy = await client.path("/routing/distributionPolicies/{distributionPolicyId}", "distribution-policy-1").patch({
    body: {
        offerExpiresAfterSeconds: 60,
        mode: { kind: "longest-idle" },
        name: "My distribution policy"
    contentType: "application/merge-patch+json"

Create a queue

Create the Queue by specifying an ID, name, and provide the Distribution Policy object's ID you created above.

const queue = await client.path("/routing/queues/{queueId}", "queue-1").patch({
    body: {
        name: "My Queue",
    contentType: "application/merge-patch+json"

Submit a job

Now, we can submit a job directly to that queue, with a worker selector that requires the worker to have the label Some-Skill greater than 10.

const job = await client.path("/routing/jobs/{jobId}", "job-1").patch({
    body: {
        channelId: "voice",
        priority: 1,
        requestedWorkerSelectors: [{ key: "Some-Skill", labelOperator: "greaterThan", value: 10 }]
    contentType: "application/merge-patch+json"

Create a worker

Now, we create a worker to receive work from that queue, with a label of Some-Skill equal to 11 and capacity on my-channel.

let worker = await client.path("/routing/workers/{workerId}", "worker-1").patch({
    body:  {
        capacity: 1,
        queues: [],
        labels: { "Some-Skill": 11 },
        channels: [{ channelId: "voice", capacityCostPerJob: 1 }],
        availableForOffers: true
    contentType: "application/merge-patch+json"

Receive an offer

We should get a RouterWorkerOfferIssued from our Event Grid subscription. However, we could also wait a few seconds and then query the worker directly against the JobRouter API to see if an offer was issued to it.

await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));
worker = await client.path("/routing/workers/{workerId}",;
for (const offer of worker.body.offers) {
    console.log(`Worker ${} has an active offer for job ${offer.jobId}`);

Accept the job offer

Then, the worker can accept the job offer by using the SDK, which assigns the job to the worker.

const accept = await client.path("/routing/workers/{workerId}/offers/{offerId}:accept",, worker.body.offers[0].offerId).post();
console.log(`Worker ${} is assigned job ${accept.body.jobId}`);

Complete the job

Once the worker has completed the work associated with the job (for example, completed the call), we complete the job.

await client.path("/routing/jobs/{jobId}/assignments/{assignmentId}:complete", accept.body.jobId, accept.body.assignmentId).post();
console.log(`Worker ${} has completed job ${accept.body.jobId}`);

Close the job

Once the worker is ready to take on new jobs, the worker should close the job. Optionally, the worker can provide a disposition code to indicate the outcome of the job.

await client.path("/routing/jobs/{jobId}/assignments/{assignmentId}:close", accept.body.jobId, accept.body.assignmentId).post({
    body: { dispositionCode: "Resolved" }
console.log(`Worker ${} has closed job ${accept.body.jobId}`);

Delete the job

Once the job has been closed, we can delete the job so that we can re-create the job with the same ID if we run this sample again

await client.path("/routing/jobs/{jobId}", accept.body.jobId).delete();
console.log(`Deleting job ${accept.body.jobId}`);

Run the code

To run the code, make sure you are on the directory where your index.js file is.

node index.js

Azure Communication Services - Job Router Quickstart
Worker worker-1 has an active offer for job job-1
Worker worker-1 is assigned job job-1
Worker worker-1 has completed job job-1
Worker worker-1 has closed job job-1
Deleting job job-1


Running the application more than once will cause a new Job to be placed in the queue each time. This can cause the Worker to be offered a Job other than the one created when you run the above code. Since this can skew your request, considering deleting Jobs in the queue each time. Refer to the SDK documentation for managing a Queue or a Job.

Reference documentation

Read about the full set of capabilities of Azure Communication Services Job Router from the JavaScript SDK reference or REST API reference.


Sample code

You can review and download the sample code for this quick start on GitHub.

Setting up

Create a new Python application

In a terminal or console window, create a new folder for your application and navigate to it.

mkdir jobrouter-quickstart && cd jobrouter-quickstart

Install the package

You'll need to use the Azure Communication Job Router client library for Python version 1.0.0 or above.

From a console prompt, execute the following command:

pip install azure-communication-jobrouter

Set up the app framework

Create a new file called and add the basic program structure.

import time
from azure.communication.jobrouter import (
from azure.communication.jobrouter.models import (

class RouterQuickstart(object):
    print("Azure Communication Services - Job Router Quickstart")
    #Job Router method implementations goes here

if __name__ == '__main__':
    router = RouterQuickstart()

Initialize the Job Router client and administration client

Job Router clients can be authenticated using your connection string acquired from an Azure Communication Services resource in the Azure portal. We generate both a client and an administration client to interact with the Job Router service. The admin client is used to provision queues and policies, while the client is used to submit jobs and register workers. For more information on connection strings, see access-your-connection-strings-and-service-endpoints.

# Get a connection string to our Azure Communication Services resource.
router_admin_client = JobRouterAdministrationClient.from_connection_string(conn_str = "your_connection_string")
router_client = JobRouterClient.from_connection_string(conn_str = "your_connection_string")

Create a distribution policy

Job Router uses a distribution policy to decide how Workers will be notified of available Jobs and the time to live for the notifications, known as Offers. Create the policy by specifying the distribution_policy_id, a name, an offer_expires_after_seconds value, and a distribution mode.

distribution_policy = router_admin_client.upsert_distribution_policy(
    distribution_policy_id ="distribution-policy-1",
    offer_expires_after_seconds = 60,
    mode = LongestIdleMode(),
    name = "My distribution policy")

Create a queue

Create the Queue by specifying an ID, name, and provide the Distribution Policy object's ID you created above.

queue = router_admin_client.upsert_queue(
    queue_id = "queue-1",
    name = "My Queue",
    distribution_policy_id =

Submit a job

Now, we can submit a job directly to that queue, with a worker selector that requires the worker to have the label Some-Skill greater than 10.

job = router_client.upsert_job(
    job_id = "job-1",
    channel_id = "voice",
    queue_id =,
    priority = 1,
    requested_worker_selectors = [
            key = "Some-Skill",
            label_operator = LabelOperator.GREATER_THAN,
            value = 10

Create a worker

Now, we create a worker to receive work from that queue, with a label of Some-Skill equal to 11 and capacity on my-channel.

worker = router_client.upsert_worker(
    worker_id = "worker-1",
    capacity = 1,
    queues = ["queue-1"],
    labels = {
        "Some-Skill": 11
    channels = [RouterChannel(channel_id = "voice", capacity_cost_per_job = 1)],
    available_for_offers = True

Receive an offer

We should get a RouterWorkerOfferIssued from our Event Grid subscription. However, we could also wait a few seconds and then query the worker directly against the JobRouter API to see if an offer was issued to it.

worker = router_client.get_worker(worker_id =
for offer in worker.offers:
    print(f"Worker {} has an active offer for job {offer.job_id}")

Accept the job offer

Then, the worker can accept the job offer by using the SDK, which assigns the job to the worker.

accept = router_client.accept_job_offer(worker_id =, offer_id = worker.offers[0].offer_id)
print(f"Worker {} is assigned job {accept.job_id}")

Complete the job

Once the worker has completed the work associated with the job (for example, completed the call), we complete the job.

router_client.complete_job(job_id =, assignment_id = accept.assignment_id)
print(f"Worker {} has completed job {accept.job_id}")

Close the job

Once the worker is ready to take on new jobs, the worker should close the job. Optionally, the worker can provide a disposition code to indicate the outcome of the job.

router_client.close_job(job_id =, assignment_id = accept.assignment_id, options = CloseJobOptions(disposition_code = "Resolved"))
print(f"Worker {} has closed job {accept.job_id}")

Delete the job

Once the job has been closed, we can delete the job so that we can re-create the job with the same ID if we run this sample again

print(f"Deleting {accept.job_id}")

Run the code

To run the code, make sure you are on the directory where your file is.


Azure Communication Services - Job Router Quickstart
Worker worker-1 has an active offer for job job-1
Worker worker-1 is assigned job job-1
Worker worker-1 has completed job job-1
Worker worker-1 has closed job job-1
Deleting job job-1


Running the application more than once will cause a new Job to be placed in the queue each time. This can cause the Worker to be offered a Job other than the one created when you run the above code. Since this can skew your request, considering deleting Jobs in the queue each time. Refer to the SDK documentation for managing a Queue or a Job.

Reference documentation

Read about the full set of capabilities of Azure Communication Services Job Router from the Python SDK reference or REST API reference.


Sample code

You can review and download the sample code for this quick start on GitHub.

Setting up

Create a new Java application

In a console window (such as cmd, PowerShell, or Bash), use the mvn command below to create a new console app with the name router-quickstart. This command creates a simple "Hello World" Java project with a single source file:

mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=com.communication.jobrouter.quickstart -DartifactId=jobrouter-quickstart-java -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart -DarchetypeVersion=1.4 -DinteractiveMode=false

Include the package

You'll need to use the Azure Communication Job Router client library for Java version 1.0.0 or above.

Include the BOM file

Include the azure-sdk-bom to your project to take dependency on the General Availability (GA) version of the library. In the following snippet, replace the {bom_version_to_target} placeholder with the version number. To learn more about the BOM, see the Azure SDK BOM readme.


and then include the direct dependency in the dependencies section without the version tag.


Include direct dependency

If you want to take dependency on a particular version of the library that isn't present in the BOM, add the direct dependency to your project as follows.


Set up app framework

Go to the /src/main/java/com/communication/quickstart directory and open the file. Add the following code:

package com.communication.quickstart;


import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

public class App
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
        System.out.println("Azure Communication Services - Job Router Quickstart");
        // Quickstart code goes here

Initialize the Job Router client and administration client

Job Router clients can be authenticated using your connection string acquired from an Azure Communication Services resource in the Azure portal. We generate both a client and an administration client to interact with the Job Router service. The admin client is used to provision queues and policies, while the client is used to submit jobs and register workers. For more information on connection strings, see access-your-connection-strings-and-service-endpoints.

// Get a connection string to our Azure Communication Services resource.
JobRouterAdministrationClient routerAdminClient = new JobRouterAdministrationClientBuilder().connectionString("your_connection_string").buildClient();
JobRouterClient routerClient = new JobRouterClientBuilder().connectionString("your_connection_string").buildClient();

Create a distribution policy

Job Router uses a distribution policy to decide how Workers will be notified of available Jobs and the time to live for the notifications, known as Offers. Create the policy by specifying the ID, a name, an offerExpiresAfter, and a distribution mode.

DistributionPolicy distributionPolicy = routerAdminClient.createDistributionPolicy(
    new CreateDistributionPolicyOptions("distribution-policy-1", Duration.ofMinutes(1), new LongestIdleMode())
        .setName("My distribution policy"));

Create a queue

Create the Queue by specifying an ID, name, and provide the Distribution Policy object's ID you created above.

RouterQueue queue = routerAdminClient.createQueue(
    new CreateQueueOptions("queue-1", distributionPolicy.getId()).setName("My queue")

Submit a job

Now, we can submit a job directly to that queue, with a worker selector that requires the worker to have the label Some-Skill greater than 10.

RouterJob job = routerClient.createJob(new CreateJobOptions("job-1", "voice", queue.getId())
        new RouterWorkerSelector("Some-Skill", LabelOperator.GREATER_THAN, new RouterValue(10)))));

Create a worker

Now, we create a worker to receive work from that queue, with a label of Some-Skill equal to 11 and capacity on my-channel.

RouterWorker worker = routerClient.createWorker(
    new CreateWorkerOptions("worker-1", 1)
        .setLabels(Map.of("Some-Skill", new RouterValue(11)))
        .setChannels(List.of(new RouterChannel("voice", 1))));

Receive an offer

We should get a RouterWorkerOfferIssued from our Event Grid subscription. However, we could also wait a few seconds and then query the worker directly against the JobRouter API to see if an offer was issued to it.

worker = routerClient.getWorker(worker.getId());
for (RouterJobOffer offer : worker.getOffers()) {
    System.out.printf("Worker %s has an active offer for job %s\n", worker.getId(), offer.getJobId());

Accept the job offer

Then, the worker can accept the job offer by using the SDK, which assigns the job to the worker.

AcceptJobOfferResult accept = routerClient.acceptJobOffer(worker.getId(), worker.getOffers().get(0).getOfferId());
System.out.printf("Worker %s is assigned job %s\n", worker.getId(), accept.getJobId());

Complete the job

Once the worker has completed the work associated with the job (for example, completed the call), we complete the job.

routerClient.completeJobWithResponse(accept.getJobId(), accept.getAssignmentId(), null);
System.out.printf("Worker %s has completed job %s\n", worker.getId(), accept.getJobId());

Close the job

Once the worker is ready to take on new jobs, the worker should close the job.

routerClient.closeJobWithResponse(accept.getJobId(), accept.getAssignmentId(), null);
System.out.printf("Worker %s has closed job %s\n", worker.getId(), accept.getJobId());

Delete the job

Once the job has been closed, we can delete the job so that we can re-create the job with the same ID if we run this sample again

System.out.printf("Deleting job %s\n", accept.getJobId());

Run the code

To run the code, go to the directory that contains the pom.xml file and compile the program.

mvn compile

Then, build the package:

mvn package

Execute the app

mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.communication.jobrouter.quickstart.App" -Dexec.cleanupDaemonThreads=false

The expected output describes each completed action:

Azure Communication Services - Job Router Quickstart
Worker worker-1 has an active offer for job job-1
Worker worker-1 is assigned job job-1
Worker worker-1 has completed job job-1
Worker worker-1 has closed job job-1
Deleting job job-1


Running the application more than once will cause a new Job to be placed in the queue each time. This can cause the Worker to be offered a Job other than the one created when you run the above code. Since this can skew your request, considering deleting Jobs in the queue each time. Refer to the SDK documentation for managing a Queue or a Job.

Reference documentation

Read about the full set of capabilities of Azure Communication Services Job Router from the Java SDK reference or REST API reference.

Next Steps

Explore Job Router How-To's tutorials