다음을 통해 공유


Moves the read position in a stream.

basic_istream<Elem, Tr>& seekg(
    pos_type pos
basic_istream<Elem, Tr>& seekg(
    off_type off,
    ios_base::seekdir way

매개 변수

  • pos
    The absolute position in which to move the read pointer.

  • off
    An offset to move the read pointer relative to way.

  • way
    One of the ios_base::seekdir enumerations.

반환 값

The stream (*this).


The first member function performs an absolute seek, the second member function performs a relative seek.


Do not use the second member function with text files, because Standard C++ does not support relative seeks in text files.

If fail is false, the first member function calls newpos = rdbuf -> pubseekpos(pos), for some pos_type temporary object newpos. If fail is false, the second function calls newpos = rdbuf -> pubseekoff(off, way). In either case, if (off_type)newpos == (off_type)(-1) (the positioning operation fails), the function calls istr.setstate(failbit). Both functions return *this.

If fail is true, the member functions do nothing.


// basic_istream_seekg.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

int main ( ) 
   using namespace std;
   ifstream file;
   char c, c1;

   file.open( "basic_istream_seekg.txt" );
   file.seekg(2);   // seek to position 2
   file >> c;
   cout << c << endl;

Input: basic_istream_seekg.txt




요구 사항

Header: <istream>

네임스페이스: std

참고 항목


basic_istream 클래스

iostream 프로그래밍

iostreams 규칙