다음을 통해 공유


Calls seekpos, a protected virtual function that is overridden in a derived class, and resets the current pointer position.

pos_type pubseekpos( 
   pos_type _Sp, 
   ios_base::openmode _Which = ios_base::in | ios_base::out 

매개 변수

  • _Sp
    The position to seek for.

  • _Which
    Specifies the mode for the pointer position. The default is to allow you to modify the read and write positions.

반환 값

The new position or an invalid stream position. To determine if the stream position is invalid, compare the return value with pos_type(off_type(-1)).


The member function returns seekpos(_Sp, _Which).

요구 사항

Header: <streambuf>

네임스페이스: std

참고 항목


basic_streambuf 클래스

iostream 프로그래밍

iostreams 규칙