다음을 통해 공유

IEnumPrivacyRecords interface

Provides methods to access privacy records for URLs visited.


The IEnumPrivacyRecords interface inherits from the IUnknown interface. IEnumPrivacyRecords also has these types of members:

  • Methods


The IEnumPrivacyRecords interface has these methods.

Method Description

Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether a Web site's attempted cookie actions conflict with the user's privacy settings.


Gets the total number of privacy records.


Gets the contents of the current privacy record and moves the pointer to the next privacy record.


Resets the privacy records pointer to the beginning of the privacy records list.



Privacy records are maintained for all URLs on a page for which downloads are requested. Each privacy record contains information about a Web site's privacy policy and any cookie actions. The privacy record also contains the location of the URL's privacy policy, if one exists.

The privacy records list is reset each time the user initiates a top-level movement to another Web page. Even if the movement is aborted, the privacy records list is reset. When the user performs a top-level movement, the IEnumPrivacyRecords::Reset method must be called before the new set of privacy records is accessed.

User-initiated, top-level Web page movements include the following.

  • Typing a URL in the address bar.
  • Moving to another Web page by clicking Go To on the View menu.
  • Choosing a URL from the Favorites List.
  • Clicking a hyperlink that does not contain a script href tag.
  • Refreshing the page at the top level.
  • Moving to another Web page by clicking the Back button or the Forward button.

Moving between frames or moving to another Web page at the top level using script adds to the existing privacy list instead of resetting it. When the user moves to another Web page at the top level through script, a blank record is inserted before records are added for the new page and its dependent downloads.

The IEnumPrivacyRecords interface can be obtained by using IServiceProvider::QueryService and passing in IID_IEnumPrivacyRecords. The IServiceProvider interface can be obtained by calling QueryInterface through the IWebBrowser2 interface or any of the MSTHML interfaces.


Minimum supported client

Windows XP

Minimum supported server

Windows 2000 Server


Internet Explorer 6





