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Services (Windows CE 5.0)

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A Core Connectivity service provides a combination of its own functionality and the functionality of the service category the service belongs to. In addition, every Core Connectivity service implements the common interface ICcService.

The common service interface, ICcService, defines a set of methods and properties used by all services, such as initializing a service, connecting, or disconnecting a service, locking and unlocking a service, and retrieving service status.

For example, a Kernel Download service implements ICcService and ICcBootstrap, the download service category interface.

To support a service that needs to send feedback on a pending asynchronous call to a client , you can implement the Service Callback Service.

If an OEM needs unique configuration properties for a service, the ICcServiceConfigure interface supports methods to modify the properties. For more information, see Customizing Service Configurations.

See Also

Service Categories | Service Host

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