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ICcBootstrap (Windows CE 5.0)

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All connectivity bootstrap services implement the core bootstrap interface, ICcBootstrap. This interface provides functionality to bootstrap a device with a run-time image, or with applications.

ICcBootstrap supports following functionality:

  • Flashing a device with a run-time image
  • Downloading applications to a flashed device
  • Launching applications on a CE device
  • Getting basic device information such as OS version, processor information, and so on.

To use ICcBootstrap, a typical client first initializes the associated device ID with ICcService::Initialize and then establishes a connection between the desktop and the device with ICcService::Connect.

When the connection is active, the client can call ICcBootstrap::Download to download requested files to the device; then it calls ICcBootstrap::Launch to launch an application or boot up a run-time image.

When the application launch or OS boot is complete, the client disconnects the device and releases associated resources.

**Note   **Implementing ICcService requires bootstrap services.


The following tables show the methods for this interface. The interface inherits the methods for the IUnknown andIDispatch.

The following table shows the methods for the IDispatch interface.

Method Description
IDispatch::GetIDsOfNames Maps a single member name and an optional set of parameter names to a corresponding set of integer dispatch identifiers (DISPIDs).

These identifiers can then be used on subsequent calls to IDispatch::Invoke.

IDispatch::GetTypeInfo Retrieves the type information for an object.
IDispatch::GetTypeInfo Retrieves the number of type information interfaces provided by an object, either zero (0) or 1.
IDispatch::Invoke Provides access to properties and methods exposed by an object.

The following table shows the methods for the ICcBootstrap interface.

Method Description
ICcBootstrap::Download Starts a download of a file from the host to the device.
ICcBootstrap::GetDeviceInfo Queries a device for resource information and returns the information to the caller.
ICcBootstrap::GetFile Copies the specified file from the device to the desktop.
ICcBootstrap::GetFileInfo Gets information about a file on the device.
ICcBootstrap::Launch Launches an application with command line arguments on the remote device.


The following table shows the enumerations for the ICcBootstrap interface.

Programming element Description
ICcBootstrap::DeviceInfo Lists possible names for device information properties.


OS Version: Windows CE 5.0 and later.
Header: CcBootstrap.idl.
Link Library: none.

See Also

Core Connectivity Interfaces

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