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Enable CeLog to Track OS Startup Time (Compact 2013)


This topic shows you how to enable CeLog to time startup events in your OS design, and then view the startup event times.

You enable CeLog tracking in the OS by setting the build options and registry settings, as described in the following procedure.

To enable CeLog in your image

  1. In Solution Explorer, right-click your OS design, and then click Properties.

  2. In the OS Design Property Pages window, select the Build Options node.

  3. Select the following check boxes:

    • Enable CE Log event tracking during boot (CELog.dll)
    • Flush tracked events to release directory (IMGAUTOFLUSH=1)
    • Enable kernel profiling (IMGPROFILER=1)
    • [optional] Enable Kernel Independent Transport Layer (IMGNOKITL=)
  4. In the device platform.reg file, set the following key, which sets the period between log buffer flush events to prevent the buffer from overflowing:

    "FlushTimeout"=dword:AFC8  ;45 seconds
  5. In the registry of your development computer, set the following key to enable logging of events in the startup sequence:

    CeLogZoneCE = 0x00010000 (CELZONE_BOOT_TIME)

After you have enabled and configured CeLog, build your OS image, attach your device to your development computer, and then download the image.

See Also


Analyze Startup Time with CeLog
Enable CeLog to Track OS Startup Time

Other Resources

CeLog Event Tracking