다음을 통해 공유

Design a Run-Time Image


When you design a run-time image, you select all of the components required to operate your target device, from user interfaces to device drivers. Custom applications can be added, and your run-time image can be configured to run on a particular media type.

During this development phase, consider how your device will be used over time. Add additional functionality, such as device drivers, that meets these possible future needs. While this will increase the footprint, it will also increase the lifetime and usefulness of the device.

Run-time images are built by using Target Designer.

In This Section

  • How to Create a Run-Time Image
    Describes how to develop a run-time image, from analyzing your device hardware, to adding components, to deploying the run-time image.
  • Application Compatibility
    Describes how to ensure application compatibility through the use of component Help and specially-designed macro components.
  • Boot Performance
    Describes how to improve the boot performance of your run-time image.
  • Custom Resources
    Describes the resources that can be added to a component or a configuration, to add specific functionality to the run-time image, such as COM registration or an application shortcut.
  • Display Settings
    Describes how to configure display settings in your run-time image.
  • Enhanced Write Filter
    Describes the Enhanced Write Filter (EWF) that allows write access to read-only media.
  • File-Based Write Filter
    Describes the File-Based Write Filter (FBWF) that allows file-level write access to read-only media.
  • Footprint
    Describes run-time image size and options for reducing footprint during the development of a configuration.
  • Servicing
    Describes the different servicing scenarios to consider when building your run-time image.
  • Shortcuts
    Describes how to add support for Start Menu shortcuts in your run-time image.
  • System Settings
    Describes how to change the computer name, pagefile configuration, and power management settings for your run-time image.
  • Development Process
    Describes the order and phases in the overall run-time image development process.