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Network Configuration


After you add the required networking components to your run-time image, build and deploy the image, you can connect it to the network. This section describes the different networking commands and utilities you can use on your run-time image.

By default, run-time images are configured to use DHCP. By adding support for the Net Shell (Netsh) command line utility, you can configure networking on your run-time image. In this context, networking includes setting a static IP address, configuring multiple network interfaces, or configuring routing.

Net Shell components are added to a configuration in Target Designer. After the run-time image is built and deployed, you can change the network settings on your target device.

For more information about using Netsh, see this Microsoft Web site.

In This Section

  • Naming Network Interfaces on a Run-Time Image
    Describes how to name a network interface. Before you can configure a network interface, you must verify that it is named. The Explorer shell automatically names interfaces, but if you use a different shell, you must name the interface manually.
  • Design a Run-Time Image
    Describes the design phase of the development process. During this phase you can choose the components and resources required for your run-time image.