다음을 통해 공유


Gets and retrieves properties as strings.


typedef struct DIPROPSTRING {
    WCHAR wsz[MAX_PATH];


  • diph
    DIPROPHEADER structure.
  • wsz
    Unicode string that specifies or retrieves the property.


The diph member must be initialized as follows:

Member Value
dwSize sizeof(DIPROPSTRING)
dwHeaderSize sizeof(DIPROPHEADER)

If the dwHow member is DIPH_DEVICE, this member must be 0.

If the dwHow member is DIPH_BYID, this member must be the identifier for the object whose property setting is to be set or retrieved.

If the dwHow member is DIPH_BYOFFSET, this member must be a data format offset for the object whose property setting is to be set or retrieved. For example, if the c_dfDIMouse data format is selected, it must be one of the DIMOFS_* values.

If the dwHow member is DIPH_BYUSAGE, the device must be a Human Interface Device (human interface device). The device object will be identified by the HID usage page and usage values in packed form.

dwHow Specifies how the dwObj member should be interpreted. See the preceding description of the dwObj member for details.

The DIPROP_INSTANCENAME and DIPROP_PRODUCTNAME properties associated with the DIPROPSTRING structure enable advanced applications to perform operations on a Human Interface Device (HID) that are not supported by DirectInput.