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How Do I Begin My Visual C++ Program?


To create a new Visual C++ program

  1. On the File menu, click New and then click the Projects tab.

  2. Specify the Project Name, Location, Workspace, Dependency, and Platforms options and then double-click the type of project you want to create.

    If you are creating an MFC-based project, double-click the icon for MFC AppWizard (exe), MFC AppWizard (dll) , MFC ActiveX ControlWizard, ATL COM AppWizard or ISAPI Extension Wizard. The Wizard will guide you through a series of questions on the features that you want to include in your program. It will also create a set of workspace, project, and MFC starter files and a dependency checker for your program.

    If you are creating a static library, console program, makefile or non-MFC application project, double-click the appropriate icon. and a dependency checker are automatically generated for your program.

Notes   For more detailed information about creating each type of program, click a topic in the list below. If the program you are creating uses MFC, you may want to work with a practice program before actually beginning your program. Several are available to help you learn more about creating a program.

What program do you want to create?

MFC Programs and DLLs

ActiveX Controls or Programs

Other Kinds of Programs