다음을 통해 공유

Overview: Creating a Microsoft Cluster Resource Type

The Cluster Resource Type Wizard creates two projects that you can deploy on a Microsoft Cluster Server to manage and monitor resources (applications) on the cluster:

  • Resource DLL project   Manages and monitors a specific type of resource (application). The name of this project is the name you give to the Cluster Resource Type project.

  • Cluster Administrator extension DLL   Loaded by the Cluster Administrator to allow resources (applications) of this new type to be configured. This DLL project is a COM, in-process server. The name of this project has the letters "Ex" appended to the name you give to the Cluster Resource Type project.

The Microsoft Cluster Server is available with Windows NT Server, Enterprise Edition.

For more information on the Microsoft Cluster Server:

  1. Go to https://www.microsoft.com/ntserver.

  2. Select Product Guide.

  3. Select Technical papers.

  4. Select Enterprise Services.

For more information on how to create a Microsoft Cluster Resource Type application, see or see the help file that is available in steps 1 and 2 of the wizard.

For more information, see in the Platform SDK.