다음을 통해 공유

FileCodeModel2 Interface

Allows access to programmatic constructs in a source file.

Namespace:  EnvDTE80
Assembly:  EnvDTE80 (in EnvDTE80.dll)


<GuidAttribute("A65964DF-3A07-45EB-882A-DD04602016B9")> _
Public Interface FileCodeModel2 _
    Inherits FileCodeModel
public interface FileCodeModel2 : FileCodeModel
public interface class FileCodeModel2 : FileCodeModel
type FileCodeModel2 =  
        interface FileCodeModel 
public interface FileCodeModel2 extends FileCodeModel

The FileCodeModel2 type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property CodeElements Gets a collection of code elements.
Public property DTE Gets the top-level extensibility object.
Public property IsBatchOpen Gets a value indicating whether a batch code model updates is currently open.
Public property Language Gets the programming language used to author the code.
Public property Parent Gets the immediate parent object of a FileCodeModel object.
Public property ParseStatus Used when the code model is built to determine whether the parse operation completed or encountered an error.



  Name Description
Public method AddAttribute Creates a new attribute code construct and inserts the code in the correct location.
Public method AddClass Creates a new class code construct and inserts the code in the correct location.
Public method AddDelegate Creates a new delegate code construct and inserts the code in the correct location.
Public method AddEnum Creates a new enumeration code construct and inserts the code in the correct location.
Public method AddFunction Creates a new function code construct and inserts the code in the correct location.
Public method AddImport Creates a new code import statement and inserts the code in the correct location.
Public method AddInterface Creates a new interface code construct and inserts the code in the correct location.
Public method AddNamespace Creates a new namespace code construct and inserts the code in the correct location.
Public method AddStruct Creates a new structure code construct and inserts the code in the correct location.
Public method AddVariable Creates a new variable code construct and inserts the code in the correct location.
Public method BeginBatch Suspends the occurrence of edit events until all changes to the code model have been applied.
Public method CodeElementFromPoint Returns a code element at a specific location in a source file.
Public method ElementFromID Used to receive specific CodeElement.
Public method EndBatch Enables the suspended events to occur after the batch edit of the code model.
Public method Remove Removes the specified code element from the source file.
Public method Synchronize Ensures that all current code model events have been raised and the model has finished being generated.



The FileCodeModel object is the root of the code model for a project item or file.

See Also


EnvDTE80 Namespace