.gif) |
_CodeModelEvents |
Infrastructure. Refer to CodeModelEvents for this functionality. Do not instantiate from this class. |
.gif) |
_CodeModelEventsRoot |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
_DebuggerExpressionEvaluationEvents |
Infrastructure. Refer to DebuggerExpressionEvaluationEvents for this functionality. Do not instantiate this class. |
.gif) |
_DebuggerExpressionEvaluationEventsRoot |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
_DebuggerProcessEvents |
Infrastructure. Refer to DebuggerProcessEvents for this functionality. Do not instantiate this class. |
.gif) |
_DebuggerProcessEventsRoot |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
_dispCodeModelEvents |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
_dispCodeModelEvents_Event |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
_dispDebuggerExpressionEvaluationEvents |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
_dispDebuggerExpressionEvaluationEvents_Event |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
_dispDebuggerProcessEvents |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
_dispDebuggerProcessEvents_Event |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
_dispPublishEvents |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
_dispPublishEvents_Event |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
_dispTextDocumentKeyPressEvents |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
_dispTextDocumentKeyPressEvents_Event |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
_dispWindowVisibilityEvents |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
_dispWindowVisibilityEvents_Event |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
_PublishEvents |
Infrastructure. Refer to PublishEvents for this functionality. Do not instantiate this class. |
.gif) |
_TextDocumentKeyPressEvents |
Infrastructure. Refer to TextDocumentKeyPressEvents for this functionality. Do not instantiate this class. |
.gif) |
_TextDocumentKeyPressEventsRoot |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
_WindowVisibilityEvents |
Infrastructure. Refer to WindowVisibilityEvents for this functionality. Do not instantiate this class. |
.gif) |
Breakpoint2 |
Contains the properties and methods used to programmatically manipulate a breakpoint. |
.gif) |
CodeAttribute2 |
Defines an attribute for a code element. |
.gif) |
CodeAttributeArgument |
Represents a single argument (name/value pair) in a code attribute. |
.gif) |
CodeClass2 |
Represents a class in source code. |
.gif) |
CodeDelegate2 |
Represents a delegate in source code. |
.gif) |
CodeElement2 |
Represents a code element or construct in a source file. |
.gif) |
CodeEvent |
Models a code event element. |
.gif) |
CodeFunction2 |
An object defining a function construct in a source file. |
.gif) |
CodeImport |
Models the use of statements that import namespaces. |
.gif) |
CodeInterface2 |
Object representing an interface in source code. |
.gif) |
CodeModel2 |
Allows access to programmatic constructs in a source code file. |
.gif) |
CodeModelEvents |
Defines events supported by the CodeModel object. Refer to CodeModelEventsClass for this object's documentation. |
.gif) |
CodeParameter2 |
An object defining a parameter to a function, property, and so on. |
.gif) |
CodeProperty2 |
An object defining a property construct in a source file. |
.gif) |
CodeStruct2 |
Object representing a structure in source code. |
.gif) |
CodeTypeRef2 |
Defines the type of a construct in a source file. |
.gif) |
CodeVariable2 |
Defines a variable construct in a source file. |
.gif) |
Commands2 |
Contains all commands, in the form of Command objects, in the environment. |
.gif) |
Debugger2 |
The Debugger2 object is used to interrogate and manipulate the state of the debugger and the program being debugged. The Debugger2 object supersedes the Debugger object. |
.gif) |
DebuggerExpressionEvaluationEvents |
The DebuggerExpressionEvaluationEvents object defines events supported by the debugger. Use this object for functionality and refer to DebuggerExpressionEvaluationEventsClass for this object's documentation. |
.gif) |
DebuggerProcessEvents |
Represents the OnProcessStateChanged event. This changes when the debugger switches from run to stop or stop to run. Refer to DebuggerProcessEventsClass for this object's documentation. Do not instantiate this class. |
.gif) |
DTE2 |
The top-level object in the Visual Studio automation object model. |
.gif) |
EditPoint2 |
Allows you to manipulate text as data in text buffers. |
.gif) |
Engine |
A debug engine that is used to map to code type. |
.gif) |
Engines |
A collection of debugging Engine objects. |
.gif) |
ErrorItem |
An error, warning, or message contained within the Error List window. |
.gif) |
ErrorItems |
A collection of ErrorItem objects contained in an Error List window. |
.gif) |
ErrorList |
A handle to a window containing errors, warnings, and messages related to the containing solution. |
.gif) |
Events2 |
Allows access to all events in the extensibility model. Events may also be exposed from specific objects within the extensibility model. |
.gif) |
FileCodeModel2 |
Allows access to programmatic constructs in a source file. |
.gif) |
Find2 |
Supports general text Find operations in the environment for documents and files. |
.gif) |
IInternalExtenderProvider |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
IncrementalSearch |
Provides access to the incremental search (ISearch) capability of the text editor. |
.gif) |
IVsExtensibility2 |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
IVsProfferCommands2 |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
LifetimeInformation |
Used to determine if an object has been deleted but not discarded by the garbage collector. |
.gif) |
Process2 |
The Process2 object is used to examine and manipulate processes. The Process2 object supersedes the Process object. |
.gif) |
PublishEvents |
Use this object for functionality and refer to PublishEventsClass for this object's documentation. |
.gif) |
Solution2 |
Represents all projects and solution-wide properties in the integrated development environment (IDE). |
.gif) |
SolutionBuild2 |
Represents the root of the build automation model at the solution level. |
.gif) |
SolutionConfiguration2 |
Represents information about a particular way to build the solution. |
.gif) |
SolutionFolder |
Solution folders are project containers that allow developers to better organize large applications. |
.gif) |
SourceControl2 |
Used to interact with current source control system. |
.gif) |
SourceControlBindings |
Used to define source control bindings for objects. |
.gif) |
TaskItems2 |
The TaskItems collection contains all of the tasks in the Task List window. |
.gif) |
TextDocumentKeyPressEvents |
Defines events associated with a key press. Use this object for functionality and refer to TextDocumentKeyPressEventsClass for this object's member documentation. |
.gif) |
TextPane2 |
Represents a pane within a text editor window. |
.gif) |
ToolBoxItem2 |
Represents an item in the Toolbox. |
.gif) |
ToolBoxTab2 |
Represents a tab in the Toolbox, along with any objects the tab contains. |
.gif) |
ToolWindows |
Improves discoverability and usability of tool windows in the object model by providing easy access to the shell’s tool windows in their native types. |
.gif) |
Transport |
Specifies the protocol the debugger uses to communicate to the machine owning the debuggee. |
.gif) |
Transports |
A collection of Transport objects. |
.gif) |
Window2 |
The Window object represents a window in the environment. |
.gif) |
Windows2 |
The Windows collection contains all windows in the environment. |
.gif) |
WindowVisibilityEvents |
Tells whether ToolWindows are visible (hide or show). Use this object for functionality and refer to WindowVisibilityEventsClass for this object's documentation. |
.gif) |
WindowVisibilityEventsRoot |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |