다음을 통해 공유

ChartGroup.GapWidth Property (Word)

For bar and column charts, returns or sets the space, as a percentage of the bar or column width, between bar or column clusters. For pie-of-pie and bar-of-pie charts, returns or sets the space between the primary and secondary sections of the chart. Read/write Long.

Version Information

Version Added: Word 2007


expression .GapWidth

expression A variable that represents a ChartGroup object.


The value of this property must be between 0 and 500.


The following example sets the space between column clusters for the first chart in the active document to be 50 percent of the column width.

With ActiveDocument.InlineShapes(1) 
 If .HasChart Then 
 .Chart.ChartGroups(1).GapWidth = 50 
 End If 
End With

See Also


ChartGroup Object

ChartGroup Object Members