다음을 통해 공유

ChartGroup Object (Word)

Represents one or more series plotted in a chart with the same format.

Version Information

Version Added: Word 2007


A chart contains one or more chart groups, each chart group contains one or more Series objects, and each series contains one or more Points objects. For example, a single chart might contain both a line chart group, which contains all the series plotted with the line chart format, and a bar chart group, which contains all the series plotted with the bar chart format. The ChartGroup object is a member of the ChartGroups collection.

Use ChartGroups(Index), where index is the chart group index number, to return a single ChartGroup object.


The following example adds drop lines to the first chart group of the first chart in the active document.

With ActiveDocument.InlineShapes(1).Chart 
 .ChartGroups(1).HasDropLines = True 
End With

See Also


Word Object Model Reference

ChartGroup Object Members