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IIsApplicationPool (ADSI)

The IIsApplicationPool class corresponds to the IIsApplicationPool IIS Admin object, and contains the methods and read-only properties for the object.

IIS 5.1 and earlier: This object is not available.


  • IIS://MachineName/W3SVC/AppPools/AppPoolName

where MachineName can be any name or "LocalHost", and the AppPoolName is the name of the application pool, for example, "DefaultAppPool".


varReturn = IIsApplicationPool. Method


  • varReturn
    A variable that receives the return value from the method.

  • Method
    The object method chosen.


IIsApplicationPool.EnumAppsInPool (ADSI)

The EnumAppsInPool method populates an array of strings with the applications in the application pool that is specified by the object variable, which must be an instance of the IIsApplicationPool class.

IIsApplicationPool.Recycle (ADSI)

The Recycle method recycles the application pool that is specified by the object variable, which must be an instance of the IIsApplicationPool class. When recycling occurs, the worker process currently serving the application pool terminates and the World Wide Web Publishing Service (W3SVC) restarts a new worker process to replace it. .

IIsApplicationPool.Start (ADSI)

The Start method starts the application pool that is specified by the object variable, which must be an instance of the IIsApplicationPool class.

IIsApplicationPool.Stop (ADSI)

The Stop method stops the application pool that is specified by the object variable, which must be an instance of the IIsApplicationPool class.


Server: Requires or Windows Server 2003.

Product: IIS