다음을 통해 공유

Transaction Coding Table

Specifies the transaction information from the CODA file. Use this information to link to the correct transaction postings.

In order to identify a transaction unambiguously, a code has been assigned to each transaction in the CODA file. This code consists of 8 numerical positions and contains a transaction family, a transaction and a transaction category. For each bank you can create a combination of these codes with the right account type and number.

When you import a CODA file, the program uses this table to initialize the right posting for the coded bank account statement line.

For example: the CODA file contains a movement line with Transaction Family = 1, Transaction = 52 and Transaction Category = 0. If the same combination appears in the Coded Transaction table with Account Type G/L account and Account Number 580000, the system will suggest to post the imported amount on account 580000 when you process the line.

If the Account Type field shows the option Customer or Vendor, the system will find the right customer or vendor and apply the corresponding entry.

You can claim a complete list of all the existing codes from your bank.

At least this table must contain a record of zero codes, indicating on which account the system must post in case no combination was founded. Fill in this combination as follows:



Bank Account No.

= ""

Transaction Family

= 0


= 0

Transaction Category

= 0

Globalisation Code

= Global

Account Type

= G/L Account

Account No.

= 499999 (or another interim account)


= Default posting (or another description)

List of Fields in the Table

The following table lists the fields in this table.

Field Location
Globalisation Code Field, Transaction Coding Table Belgium Local Functionality
Account No. Field, Transaction Coding Table Belgium Local Functionality
Transaction Category Field, Transaction Coding Table Belgium Local Functionality
Transaction Field, Transaction Coding Table Belgium Local Functionality
Transaction Family Field, Transaction Coding Table Belgium Local Functionality
Bank Account No. Field, Transaction Coding Table Belgium Local Functionality
Account Type Field, Transaction Coding Table Belgium Local Functionality
Description Field, Transaction Coding Table Belgium Local Functionality

See Also


Transaction Coding
CODA Statement
CODA Statement