Represents a binding on the rowset to the specific column in the rowset.
COLUMN_ENTRY_PS(nOrdinal, nPrecision, nScale, data )
매개 변수
See DBBINDING in the OLE DB Programmer's Reference.
[in] The column number.nPrecision
[in] The maximum precision of the column you want to bind.nScale
[in] The scale of the column you want to
[in] The corresponding data member in the user record.
Allows you to specify the precision and scale of the column you want to bind. It is used in the following places:
Between the BEGIN_COLUMN_MAP and END_COLUMN_MAP macros.
Between the BEGIN_ACCESSOR and END_ACCESSOR macros.
Between the BEGIN_PARAM_MAP and END_PARAM_MAP macros.
요구 사항
헤더: atldbcli.h