Represents a binding on the rowset to the specific column in the database.
COLUMN_ENTRY_PS_LENGTH(nOrdinal, nPrecision, nScale, data, length )
매개 변수
See DBBINDING in the OLE DB Programmer's Reference.
[in] The column number, starting with one. Bookmark corresponds to column zero.nPrecision
[in] The maximum precision of the column you want to bind.nScale
[in] The scale of the column you want to
[in] The corresponding data member in the user record.length
[in] The variable to be bound to the column length.
Allows you to specify the precision and scale of the column you want to bind. This macro supports the length variable. It is used in the following places:
Between the BEGIN_COLUMN_MAP and END_COLUMN_MAP macros.
Between the BEGIN_ACCESSOR and END_ACCESSOR macros.
Between the BEGIN_PARAM_MAP and END_PARAM_MAP macros.
요구 사항
헤더: atldbcli.h