ADO Type Mapping to a .NET Framework Type
Values in the ADO Recordset or Record object are converted to .NET Framework types for storage in the DataSet. The following table shows the mapping of ADO types to .NET Framework types.
ADO type | .NET Framework type |
adEmpty | null |
adBoolean | Int16 |
adTinyInt | SByte |
adSmallInt | Int16 |
adInteger | Int32 |
adBigInt | Int64 |
adUnsignedTinyInt | promoted to Int16 |
adUnsignedSmallInt | promoted to Int32 |
adUnsignedInt | promoted to Int64 |
adUnsignedBigInt | promoted to Decimal |
adSingle | Single |
adDouble | Double |
adCurrency | Decimal |
adDecimal | Decimal |
adNumeric | Decimal |
adDate | DateTime |
adDBDate | DateTime |
adDBTime | DateTime |
adDBTimeStamp | DateTime |
adFileTime | DateTime |
adGUID | Guid |
adError | ExternalException |
adIUnknown | object |
adIDispatch | object |
adVariant | object |
adPropVariant | object |
adBinary | byte[] |
adChar | string |
adWChar | string |
adBSTR | string |
adChapter | not supported |
adUserDefined | not supported |
adVarNumeric | not supported |