Accessing an ADO Recordset or Record from ADO.NET
In the .NET Framework, you can access existing components that return ADO Recordset or Record objects, and you can also access ADO Recordset and Record objects directly using the .NET Framework Data Provider for OLE DB. The .NET Framework Data Provider for OLE DB supports filling a DataSet from an ADO Recordset or Record. This enables you to consume existing Component Object Model (COM) objects that return ADO objects, without having to rewrite them entirely using the .NET Framework.
In This Section
- Filling a DataSet with an ADO Recordset or Record
Describes how to use the OleDbDataAdapter to fill the contents of a DataSet from an ADO Recordset or Record. - ADO Type Mapping to a .NET Framework Type
Describes ADO data types and how they map to .NET Framework types.
Related Sections
- Accessing Data with ADO.NET
Describes the ADO.NET architecture and components and how to use them to access existing data sources, as well as to manage application data. - Populating a DataSet from a DataAdapter
Describes how to fill a DataSet with tables, columns, and rows using a DataAdapter.