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CMFCRibbonSeparator Class


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The latest version of this topic can be found at CMFCRibbonSeparator Class.

Implements the ribbon separator.


class CMFCRibbonSeparator : public CMFCRibbonBaseElement  


Public Constructors

Name Description
CMFCRibbonSeparator::CMFCRibbonSeparator Constructs a CMFCRibbonSeparator object.

Public Methods

Name Description
CMFCRibbonSeparator::AddToListBox Adds a separator to the Commands list in the Customize dialog box. (Overrides CMFCRibbonBaseElement::AddToListBox.)
CMFCRibbonSeparator::CreateObject Used by the framework to create a dynamic instance of this class type.
CMFCRibbonSeparator::GetThisClass Used by the framework to obtain a pointer to the CRuntimeClass object that is associated with this class type.

Protected Methods

Name Description
CMFCRibbonSeparator::CopyFrom A copy method that sets a separator's member variables from another object.
CMFCRibbonSeparator::GetRegularSize Returns the size of a separator.
CMFCRibbonSeparator::IsSeparator Indicates whether this is a separator.
CMFCRibbonSeparator::IsTabStop Indicates whether this is a tab stop.
CMFCRibbonSeparator::OnDraw Called by the system to draw the separator on either the ribbon or the Quick Access Toolbar.
CMFCRibbonSeparator::OnDrawOnList Called by the system to draw the separator on the Commands list.


A ribbon separator is a vertical or horizontal line that logically separates ribbon elements. A separator can be drawn on the ribbon control, the main application menu, the ribbon status bar, and the Quick Access Toolbar.

To use a separator in your application, construct the new object and add it to the main application menu as shown here:

CMFCRibbonMainPanel* pMainPanel = m_wndRibbonBar.AddMainCategory(_T("Main Menu"),

pMainPanel->Add(new CMFCRibbonSeparator(TRUE));

Call CMFCRibbonPanel::AddSeparator to add separators to ribbon panels. The separators are allocated and added internally by the AddSeparator method.

Inheritance Hierarchy





Header: afxbaseribbonelement.h


Adds a separator to the Commands list in the Customize dialog box.

virtual int AddToListBox(
    CMFCRibbonCommandsListBox* pWndListBox,  
    BOOL bDeep);


[in] pWndListBox
A pointer to the Commands list where the separator is added.

[in] bDeep

Return Value

Zero-based index to the string in the list box specified by pWndListBox.


Constructs a CMFCRibbonSeparator object.

CMFCRibbonSeparator(BOOL bIsHoriz = FALSE);


[in] bIsHoriz
If TRUE, the separator is horizontal; if FALSE, the separator is vertical.


Horizontal separators are used in application menus. Vertical separators are used in toolbars.


The following example demonstrates how to construct an object of the CMFCRibbonSeparator class.

  // CMFCRibbonMainPanel* pMainPanel
    pMainPanel->Add(new CMFCRibbonSeparator(TRUE));


A copy method that sets a separator's member variables from another object.

virtual void CopyFrom(const CMFCRibbonBaseElement& src);


[in] Src
The source ribbon element to copy from.


Returns the size of a separator.

virtual CSize GetRegularSize(CDC* pDC);


[in] pDC
A pointer to a device content.

Return Value

The size of the separator on the given device context.


Indicates whether this is a separator.

virtual BOOL IsSeparator() const;  

Return Value

Always TRUE for this class.


Indicates whether this is a tab stop.

virtual BOOL IsTabStop() const;  

Return Value

Always FALSE for this class.


A ribbon separator is not a tab stop.


Called by the system to draw the separator on either the ribbon or the Quick Access Toolbar.

virtual void OnDraw(CDC* pDC);


[in] pDC
A pointer to a device context.


Called by the system to draw the separator on the Commands list.

virtual void OnDrawOnList(
    CDC* pDC,  
    CString strText,  
    int nTextOffset,  
    CRect rect,  
    BOOL bIsSelected,  
    BOOL bHighlighted);


Parameter Description
[in] pDC A pointer to a device context.
[in] strText Text displayed on the list.
[in] nTextOffset Spacing between the text and the left side of the bounding rectangle.
[in] rect Specifies the bounding rectangle.
[in] bIsSelected Ignored.
[in] bHighlighted Ignored.

See Also

Hierarchy Chart