다음을 통해 공유

CMFCShellTreeCtrl Class


The latest version of this topic can be found at CMFCShellTreeCtrl Class.

The CMFCShellTreeCtrl class extends CTreeCtrl Class functionality by displaying a hierarchy of Shell items.


class CMFCShellTreeCtrl : public CTreeCtrl  


Public Methods

Name Description
CMFCShellTreeCtrl::EnableShellContextMenu Enables or disables the shortcut menu.
CMFCShellTreeCtrl::GetFlags Returns a combination of flags that are passed to IShellFolder::EnumObjects.
CMFCShellTreeCtrl::GetItemPath Retrieves the path to an item.
CMFCShellTreeCtrl::GetRelatedList Returns a pointer to the CMFCShellListCtrl Class object that is used together with this CMFCShellTreeCtrl object to create an Explorer-like window.
CMFCShellTreeCtrl::OnChildNotify This member function is called by this window's parent window when it receives a notification message that applies to this window. (Overrides CWnd::OnChildNotify.)
CMFCShellTreeCtrl::Refresh Refreshes and repaints the current CMFCShellTreeCtrl object.
CMFCShellTreeCtrl::SelectPath Selects the appropriate tree control item based on a supplied PIDL or string path.
CMFCShellTreeCtrl::SetFlags Sets flags to filter the tree context (similar to the flags used by IShellFolder::EnumObjects).
CMFCShellTreeCtrl::SetRelatedList Sets a relation between the current CMFCShellTreeCtrl object and a CMFCShellListCtrl object.


This class extends the CTreeCtrl class by enabling your program to include Windows Shell items in the tree. This class can be associated with a CMFCShellListCtrl object to create a complete Explorer window. Then, selecting an item in the tree will display a list of Windows Shell items in the associated list.

Inheritance Hierarchy







Header: afxshelltreeCtrl.h


The following example demonstrates how to create an object of the CMFCShellTreeCtrl class. This code snippet is part of the Explorer sample.

  CMFCShellTreeCtrl   m_wndShellTree;
   // const int idTree = 1
    CRect rectDummy (0, 0, 0, 0);
    const DWORD dwViewStyle =   WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | TVS_HASLINES | 
                                TVS_LINESATROOT | TVS_HASBUTTONS;

    // The this pointer points to CFolderBar class which extends the CDockablePane class
    m_wndShellTree.Create (dwViewStyle, rectDummy, this, idTree);


Enables the shortcut menu.

void EnableShellContextMenu(BOOL bEnable = TRUE);


[in] bEnable
A Boolean that specifies whether to enable the shortcut menu.


Returns the flags set for the CMFCShellTreeCtrl Class object.

DWORD GetFlags() const;  

Return Value

A DWORD value that specifies the combination of flags currently set.


The flags set in the CMFCShellTreeCtrl are sent to the method IShellFolder::EnumObjects whenever the object is refreshed. You can change the flags with the CMFCShellTreeCtrl::SetFlags method.


Retrieves the path of an item in the CMFCShellTreeCtrl Class object.

BOOL GetItemPath(
    CString& strPath,  
    HTREEITEM htreeItem = NULL) const;  


[out] strPath
A reference to a string parameter. The method writes the path of the item to this parameter.

[in] htreeItem
The method retrieves the path for this tree control item.

Return Value

Nonzero if successful; 0 otherwise.


If this method fails, strPath contains the empty string.

If you do not specify hTreeItem, this method tries to obtain the string for the currently selected item. If no item is selected and hTreeItem is NULL, this method fails.


Returns a pointer to the CMFCShellListCtrl Class object that is associated with this CMFCShellTreeCtrl object.

CMFCShellListCtrl* GetRelatedList() const;  

Return Value

A pointer to the CMFCShellListCtrl object that is associated with this tree control object.


By using a CMFCShellListCtrl object together with a CMFCShellTreeCtrl object, you can create an Explorer-like window. Use the method CMFCShellTreeCtrl::SetRelatedList to associate the two classes. After they are associated, the framework automatically updates the CMFCShellListCtrl if the selection in the CMFCShellTreeCtrl changes.


This topic is included for completeness. For more detail see the source code located in the VC\atlmfc\src\mfc folder of your Visual Studio installation.

virtual BOOL OnChildNotify(
    UINT message,  
    WPARAM wParam,  
    LPARAM lParam,  
    LRESULT* pLResult);


[in] message
[in] wParam
[in] lParam
[in] pLResult

Return Value



This topic is included for completeness. For more detail see the source code located in the VC\atlmfc\src\mfc folder of your Visual Studio installation.

virtual int OnGetItemIcon(
    BOOL bSelected);


[in] pItem
[in] bSelected

Return Value



This topic is included for completeness. For more detail see the source code located in the VC\atlmfc\src\mfc folder of your Visual Studio installation.

virtual CString OnGetItemText(LPAFX_SHELLITEMINFO pItem);


[in] pItem

Return Value



Refreshes and repaints the CMFCShellTreeCtrl.

void Refresh();


Call this method to refresh the hierarchy of the items displayed in the CMFCShellTreeCtrl.


Selects an item in the CMFCShellTreeCtrl Class based on the supplied path.

BOOL SelectPath(LPCTSTR lpszPath);
### Parameters  
 [in] `lpszPath`  
 A string that specifies the path of an item.  
 [in] `lpidl`  
 A PIDL that specifies the item  
### Return Value  
 `S_OK` if successful; `E_FAIL` otherwise.  
##  <a name="cmfcshelltreectrl__setflags"></a>  CMFCShellTreeCtrl::SetFlags  
 Sets flags to filter the tree context.  

void SetFlags( DWORD dwFlags,
BOOL bRefresh = TRUE);

### Parameters  
 [in] `dwFlags`  
 The flags to set.  
 [in] `bRefresh`  
 A Boolean that specifies whether the [CMFCShellTreeCtrl Class](../Topic/CMFCShellTreeCtrl%20Class.md) should be refreshed immediately.  
### Remarks  
 The `CMFCShellTreeCtrl` passes all set flags to [IShellFolder::EnumObjects](https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/windows/desktop/bb775066). For more information about the values of different flags, see [IShellFolder::EnumObjects](https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/windows/desktop/bb775066).  
##  <a name="cmfcshelltreectrl__setrelatedlist"></a>  CMFCShellTreeCtrl::SetRelatedList  
 Associates a [CMFCShellListCtrl](../Topic/CMFCShellListCtrl%20Class.md) object with a [CMFCShellTreeCtrl](../Topic/CMFCShellTreeCtrl%20Class.md) object.  

void SetRelatedList(CMFCShellListCtrl* pShellList);

### Parameters  
 [in] `pShellList`  
 A pointer to a `CMFCShellListCtrl` object.  
### Remarks  
 This method associates a `CMFCShellListCtrl` with a `CMFCShellTreeCtrl`. These objects may be displayed as an Explorer-like window: if the user selects an object in the `CMFCShellTreeCtrl`, the associated items in the `CMFCShellListCtrl` will be automatically updated.  
 Use the method [CMFCShellTreeCtrl::GetRelatedList](#cmfcshelltreectrl__getrelatedlist) to retrieve the `CMFCShellListCtrl` associated with a `CMFCShellTreeCtrl`.  
## See Also  
 [Hierarchy Chart](../Topic/Hierarchy%20Chart.md)   
 [CTreeCtrl Class](../Topic/CTreeCtrl%20Class.md)   
 [CMFCShellListCtrl Class](../Topic/CMFCShellListCtrl%20Class.md)