Call DDV_MinMaxMonth to verify that the time/date value in the month calendar control (CMonthCalCtrl) associated with refValue falls between refMinRange and refMaxRange.
void AFXAPI DDV_MinMaxMonth(
CDataExchange* pDX,
CTime& refValue,
const CTime* refMinRange,
const CTime* refMaxRange
void AFXAPI DDV_MinMaxMonth(
CDataExchange* pDX,
COleDateTime& refValue,
const COleDateTime* refMinRange,
const COleDateTime* refMaxRange
매개 변수
A pointer to a CDataExchange object. The framework supplies this object to establish the context of the data exchange, including its direction.refValue
A reference to an object of type CTime or COleDateTime associated with a member variable of the dialog box, form view, or control view object. This object contains the data to be validated. MFC passes this reference when DDV_MinMaxMonth is called.refMinRange
Minimum date/time value allowed.refMaxRange
Maximum date/time value allowed.
For more information about DDV, see 대화 상자 데이터 교환 및 유효성 검사.
요구 사항
Header: afxdd_.h