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Find a string within a range using the Excel JavaScript API

This article provides a code sample that finds a string within a range using the Excel JavaScript API. For the complete list of properties and methods that the Range object supports, see Excel.Range class.


The Excel JavaScript API doesn't have a "Cell" object or class. Instead, the Excel JavaScript API defines all Excel cells as Range objects. An individual cell in the Excel UI translates to a Range object with one cell in the Excel JavaScript API. A single Range object can also contain multiple contiguous cells. See Work with cells using the Excel JavaScript API to learn more.

Match a string within a range

The Range object has a find method to search for a specified string within the range. It returns the range of the first cell with matching text.

The following code sample finds the first cell with a value equal to the string Food and logs its address to the console. Note that find throws an ItemNotFound error if the specified string doesn't exist in the range. If you expect that the specified string may not exist in the range, use the findOrNullObject method instead, so your code gracefully handles that scenario.

await Excel.run(async (context) => {
    let sheet = context.workbook.worksheets.getItem("Sample");
    let table = sheet.tables.getItem("ExpensesTable");
    let searchRange = table.getRange();
    let foundRange = searchRange.find("Food", {
        completeMatch: true, // Match the whole cell value.
        matchCase: false, // Don't match case.
        searchDirection: Excel.SearchDirection.forward // Start search at the beginning of the range.

    await context.sync();


When the find method is called on a range representing a single cell, the entire worksheet is searched. The search begins at that cell and goes in the direction specified by SearchCriteria.searchDirection, wrapping around the ends of the worksheet if needed.

See also