
다음을 통해 공유

cloudAppDiscoveryReport resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph.security


APIs under the /beta version in Microsoft Graph are subject to change. Use of these APIs in production applications is not supported. To determine whether an API is available in v1.0, use the Version selector.

Represents information about cloud apps discovered on an endpoint or a stream.

Inherits from entity.


Method Return type Description
List uploaded streams microsoft.graph.security.cloudAppDiscoveryReport collection Get visibility into all the manually uploaded streams from your firewalls and proxies.
Get aggregated app details microsoft.graph.security.discoveredCloudAppDetail collection Get the aggregated details of discovered apps by providing the time period.


Property Type Description
anonymizeMachineData Boolean Use 1 if the machine information is anonymized; otherwise use 0.
anonymizeUserData Boolean Use 1 if the user information is anonymized; otherwise use 0.
createdDateTime DateTimeOffset The date in the format specified. The Timestamp represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z.
description String A comment or description for the report.
displayName String The display name of the continuous report.
id String The ID of the log type supported. Inherited from entity.
isSnapshotReport Boolean Use 1 for a snapshot report; otherwise use 0.
lastDataReceivedDateTime DateTimeOffset The date when the data was last received. The Timestamp represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z.
lastModifiedDateTime DateTimeOffset The date when the continuous report was last modified. The Timestamp represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z.
logDataProvider microsoft.graph.security.logDataProvider The applicable log data provider. Possible values are: barracuda, bluecoat, checkpoint, ciscoAsa, ciscoIronportProxy, fortigate, paloAlto, squid, zscaler, mcafeeSwg, ciscoScanSafe, juniperSrx, sophosSg, websenseV75, websenseSiemCef, machineZoneMeraki, squidNative, ciscoFwsm, microsoftIsaW3C, sonicwall, sophosCyberoam, clavister, customParser, juniperSsg, zscalerQradar, juniperSrxSd, juniperSrxWelf, microsoftConditionalAppAccess, ciscoAsaFirepower, genericCef, genericLeef, genericW3C, iFilter, checkpointXml, checkpointSmartViewTracker, barracudaNextGenFw, barracudaNextGenFwWeblog, microsoftDefenderForEndpoint, zscalerCef, sophosXg, iboss, forcepoint, fortios, ciscoIronportWsaIi, paloAltoLeef, forcepointLeef, stormshield, contentkeeper, ciscoIronportWsaIii, checkpointCef, corrata, ciscoFirepowerV6, menloSecurityCef, watchguardXtm, openSystemsSecureWebGateway, wandera, unknownFutureValue.
logFileCount Int32 The count of log files history.
receiverProtocol microsoft.graph.security.receiverProtocol The applicable receiver protocol. Possible values are: ftp, ftps, syslogUdp, syslogTcp, syslogTls, unknownFutureValue.
supportedEntityTypes microsoft.graph.security.entityType collection The supported entity type. Possible values are: userName, ipAddress, machineName, other, unknown, unknownFutureValue.
supportedTrafficTypes microsoft.graph.security.trafficType collection The supported traffic type. Possible values are: downloadedBytes, uploadedBytes, unknown, unknownFutureValue.



JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.security.cloudAppDiscoveryReport",
  "anonymizeMachineData": "Boolean",
  "anonymizeUserData": "Boolean",
  "createdDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
  "description": "String",
  "displayName": "String",
  "id": "String (identifier)",
  "isSnapshotReport": "Boolean",
  "lastDataReceivedDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
  "lastModifiedDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
  "logDataProvider": "String",
  "logFileCount": "Int32",
  "receiverProtocol": "String",
  "supportedEntityTypes": ["String"],
  "supportedTrafficTypes": ["String"]