
다음을 통해 공유

mobileAppRelationship resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Important: Microsoft Graph APIs under the /beta version are subject to change; production use is not supported.

Note: The Microsoft Graph API for Intune requires an active Intune license for the tenant.

Describes a relationship between two mobile apps.


Method Return Type Description
List mobileAppRelationships mobileAppRelationship collection List properties and relationships of the mobileAppRelationship objects.
Get mobileAppRelationship mobileAppRelationship Read properties and relationships of the mobileAppRelationship object.


Property Type Description
id String The unique identifier for the mobile app relationship entity. This is assigned at MobileAppRelationship entity creation. For example: 2dbc75b9-e993-4e4d-a071-91ac5a218672_43aaaf35-ce51-4695-9447-5eac6df31161. Read-Only. Returned by default. Supports: $select. Does not support $search, $filter, $orderBy.
targetId String The unique app identifier of the target of the mobile app relationship entity. For example: 2dbc75b9-e993-4e4d-a071-91ac5a218672. Read-Only. Returned by default. Supports: $select. Does not support $search, $filter, $orderBy.
targetDisplayName String The display name of the app that is the target of the mobile app relationship entity. For example: Firefox Setup 52.0.2 32bit.intunewin. Maximum length is 500 characters. Read-Only. Returned by default. Supports: $select. Does not support $search, $filter, $orderBy. This property is read-only.
targetDisplayVersion String The display version of the app that is the target of the mobile app relationship entity. For example 1.0 or 1.2203.156. Read-Only. Returned by default. Supports: $select. Does not support $search, $filter, $orderBy. This property is read-only.
targetPublisher String The publisher of the app that is the target of the mobile app relationship entity. For example: Fabrikam. Maximum length is 500 characters. Read-Only. Returned by default. Supports: $select. Does not support $search, $filter, $orderBy. This property is read-only.
targetPublisherDisplayName String The publisher display name of the app that is the target of the mobile app relationship entity. For example: Fabrikam. Maximum length is 500 characters. Read-Only. Supports: $select. Does not support $search, $filter, $orderBy. This property is read-only.
sourceId String The unique app identifier of the source of the mobile app relationship entity. For example: 2dbc75b9-e993-4e4d-a071-91ac5a218672. If null during relationship creation, then it will be populated with parent Id. Read-Only. Supports: $select. Does not support $search, $filter, $orderBy. This property is read-only.
sourceDisplayName String The display name of the app that is the source of the mobile app relationship entity. For example: Orca. Maximum length is 500 characters. Read-Only. Supports: $select. Does not support $search, $filter, $orderBy. This property is read-only.
sourceDisplayVersion String The display version of the app that is the source of the mobile app relationship entity. For example 1.0.12 or 1.2203.156 or 3. Read-Only. Supports: $select. Does not support $search, $filter, $orderBy. This property is read-only.
sourcePublisherDisplayName String The publisher display name of the app that is the source of the mobile app relationship entity. For example: Fabrikam. Maximum length is 500 characters. Read-Only. Supports: $select. Does not support $search, $filter, $orderBy. This property is read-only.
targetType mobileAppRelationshipType The type of relationship indicating whether the target application of a relationship is a parent or child in the relationship. Possible values are: parent, child. Read-Only. Returned by default. Supports: $select, $filter. Does not support $search, $orderBy. This property is read-only. Possible values are: child, parent, unknownFutureValue.



JSON Representation

Here is a JSON representation of the resource.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.mobileAppRelationship",
  "id": "String (identifier)",
  "targetId": "String",
  "targetDisplayName": "String",
  "targetDisplayVersion": "String",
  "targetPublisher": "String",
  "targetPublisherDisplayName": "String",
  "sourceId": "String",
  "sourceDisplayName": "String",
  "sourceDisplayVersion": "String",
  "sourcePublisherDisplayName": "String",
  "targetType": "String"