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Channel Integration Framework (Hosted Control)

Use the Channel Integration Framework type of hosted control to integrate your channel provider with to Unified Service Desk client application. You can create multiple Channel Integration Framework type of hosted control to host different channels. To learn more, see Integrate channel using Channel Integration Framework.

To create a Channel Integration Framework type of hosted control, see Create a Channel Integration Framework hosted control

Predefined UII actions

The following actions are supported for this type of hosted control.


This action is used to close the hosted control.


Fires a user-defined event from this hosted control.

Parameter Description
name Name of the user-defined event.

All subsequent name=value pairs become the parameters to the event. For more information about creating a user-defined event, see Create a user-defined event.


This action is used to move hosted controls between panels at runtime.

Parameter Description
app Name of the hosted control to be moved.
panel Target panel for the hosted control.

Pops up a URL from the hosted control and runs the window navigation rules against it for routing the popup to the appropriate location.

Parameter Description
url Routes a popup from this hosted control using this URL as if it were a popup requested from the displayed control.
frame The frame from which this popup originated.


This action injects JavaScript into the main frame of the application.

Parameter Description
The data parameter is the JavaScript that will be injected into the form. Note: The replacement parameters can be used in the script, and they will be replaced before the script is executed.


This action explicitly sets the width and height of the hosted control. This is particularly useful when using "auto" in your panel layouts.

Parameter Description
width The width of the hosted control.
height The height of the hosted control.


Enables the user to close the hosted control by clicking the X icon at the top-right corner of the hosted control tab.

Parameter Description
UserCanClose Set this to true to enable the user to close the hosted control. Otherwise, set false.


This action sends the data raised from the client-side event to the hosted control.

Parameter Description
event The client-side events from where you want to raise the data.
data The data parameter takes eventData values.

Pass the data as a string that was received from the event by using replacement parameters.
data = [[data]+].

Supported client-side events are as follows:


This action sends the data from client to channel provider.

Parameter Description
corrId The unique identifier should be the same as that of passed in the initial event from channel provider so that the UpdateCifContext gets back the result.
action The parameter to accept or reject the promise object. It takes the value as accept or reject. If you pass accept, the API calls the success function, which will further execute the result parameter. if you pass reject, the API calls the error function.
result The data that you want to send from client to channel provider.

Predefined events

The following events are supported for this type of hosted control.


The event occurs when the corresponding Channel Integration Framework JavaScript API is called from the channel provider to create an entity. The data passed in the API is also passed to Unified Service Desk client application.

Parameter Description
entity The logical name of the entity.
data String defining the attributes and values for the new entity record.
corrId The unique identifier for the raised CreateRecord event.

To learn more, see createRecord (CIF JavaScript API Reference)


The event occurs when the corresponding Channel Integration Framework JavaScript API is called from the channel provider to retrieve an entity. The data passed in the API is also passed to Unified Service Desk client application.

Parameter Description
entity The entity logical name of the record you want to retrieve.
entityId GUID of the entity record you want to retrieve.
corrId The unique identifier for the raised RetrieveRecord event.
options OData system query options, $select and $expand, to retrieve your data.
  • Use the $select system query option to limit the properties returned by including a comma-separated list of property names. This is an important performance best practice. If properties aren’t specified using $select, all properties will be returned.
  • Use the $expand system query option to control what data from related entities is returned. If you just include the name of the navigation property, you’ll receive all the properties for related records. You can limit the properties returned for related records using the $select system query option in parentheses after the navigation property name. Use this for both single-valued and collection-valued navigation properties.

You specify the query options starting with ?. You can also specify multiple query options by using & to separate the query options. For example:

To learn more, see retrieveRecord (CIF JavaScript API Reference)


The event occurs when the corresponding Channel Integration Framework JavaScript API is called from the channel provider to update an entity. The data passed in the API is also passed to Unified Service Desk client application.

Parameter Description
entity The entity logical name of the record you want to update.
entityId GUID of the entity record you want to update.
data String containing key: value pairs, where key is the property of the entity and value is the value of the property you want to update.
corrId The unique identifier for the raised UpdateRecord event.

To learn more, see updateRecord (CIF JavaScript API Reference)


The event occurs when the corresponding Channel Integration Framework JavaScript API is called from the channel provider to delete an entity. The data passed in the API is also passed to Unified Service Desk client application.

Parameter Description
entity The entity logical name of the record you want to delete.
data String defining the attributes and values for the new entity record.
entityId GUID of the entity record you want to delete.
corrId The unique identifier for the raised DeleteRecord event.

To learn more, see deleteRecord (CIF JavaScript API Reference)


The event occurs when the corresponding Channel Integration Framework JavaScript API is called from the channel provider to return the entity metadata for the specified entity. The data passed in the API is also passed to Unified Service Desk client application.

Parameter Description
entity The entity logical name of entity.
attributes The attributes for which you want to get metadata.
corrId The unique identifier for the raised GetEntityMetadata event.

To learn more, see [getEntityMetadata (CIF JavaScript API Reference)](../channel-integration-framework/v1/develop/reference/microsoft-ciframework /getentitymetadata.md)


The event occurs when the corresponding Channel Integration Framework JavaScript API is called from the channel provider to get the current Unified Interface app and page details. The details include appId, pageType, and recordId (If available). The data passed in the API is also passed to Unified Service Desk client application.

There are no parameters for this event.

To see learn more, see getEnvironment (CIF JavaScript API Reference)


The event occurs when the corresponding Channel Integration Framework JavaScript API is called from the channel provider to open an entity form or a quick create form. The data passed in the API is also passed to Unified Service Desk client application.

Parameter Description
entityFormOptions Entity form options for opening the form.
entityFormParameters A dictionary object that passes extra parameters to the form. Invalid parameters will cause an error.

For information about passing parameters to a form, see Set field values using parameters passed to a form and Configure a form to accept custom querystring parameters
corrId The unique identifier for the raised OpenForm event.

To learn more, see [openForm (CIF JavaScript API Reference)](../channel-integration-framework/shared /openform.md)


The event occurs when the corresponding Channel Integration Framework JavaScript API is called from the channel provider allowing to search among the records of a particular entity type. This API opens the Unified Interface entity page with the search field on it pre-populated with the search string that is passed as a parameter. The data passed in the API is also passed to Unified Service Desk client application.

Parameter Description
entity The entity logical name of the record you want to query.
searchString String to search among the attributes of the entity records.
corrId The unique identifier for the raised RenderSearchPage event.

To learn more, see [renderSearchPage (CIF JavaScript API Reference)](../channel-integration-framework/shared /rendersearchpage.md)


The event occurs when the corresponding Channel Integration Framework JavaScript API is called from the channel provider to search for the record from the channel provider during the inbound communication and opens the record. The data passed in the API is also passed to Unified Service Desk client application.

Parameter Description
entity The entity logical name to search and open.
queryParmeters OData system query options, $select and $expand, to retrieve your data.
  • Use the $select system query option to limit the properties returned by including a comma-separated list of property names. This is an important performance best practice. If properties aren’t specified using $select, all properties will be returned.
  • Use the $expand system query option to control what data from related entities is returned. If you just include the name of the navigation property, you’ll receive all the properties for related records. You can limit the properties returned for related records using the $select system query option in parentheses after the navigation property name. Use this for both single-valued and collection-valued navigation properties.
You specify the query options starting with ?. You can also specify multiple query options by using & to separate the query options.
For example: ?$select=name&$expand=primarycontactid($select=contactid,fullname)
searchOnly Set false to open the record in the Unified Interface page if the search record is a single record. Set false to open search page if the search result has multiple records and auto populate the search page with the tag value mentioned when search field is used in queryParmeters.

Set true only to get results of the search as a promise result and not open the record or search page.
corrId The unique identifier for the raised SearchAndOpenRecords event.

See also