다음을 통해 공유

TypeBuilder.MakeArrayType 메서드


현재 형식의 배열을 나타내는 Type 개체를 반환합니다.



지정된 차수의 현재 형식 배열을 나타내는 Type 개체를 반환합니다.


하한이 0인 현재 형식의 1차원 배열을 나타내는 Type 개체를 반환합니다.



지정된 차수의 현재 형식 배열을 나타내는 Type 개체를 반환합니다.

 override Type ^ MakeArrayType(int rank);
public override Type MakeArrayType(int rank);
override this.MakeArrayType : int -> Type
Public Overrides Function MakeArrayType (rank As Integer) As Type

매개 변수


배열의 차수입니다.


현재 형식의 1차원 배열을 나타내는 Type 개체입니다.


rank가 유효한 배열 차원이 아닙니다.


다음 코드 예제에서는 동적 모듈, 라는 Sample추상 형식 및 라는 TestMethod추상 메서드를 만듭니다. TestMethod는 형식의 ref 매개 변수(ByRefVisual Basic의 경우) , 형식SampleSample에 대한 포인터 및 형식Sample의 배열을 사용합니다. 형식 Sample의 2차원 배열을 반환합니다. 코드 예제에서는 동적 모듈을 디스크에 저장하므로 Ildasm.exe(IL 디스어셈블러)로 검사할 수 있습니다.

using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Reflection.Emit;
using Microsoft.VisualBasic;

public class Example
    public static void Main()
        // Define a dynamic assembly to contain the sample type. The
        // assembly will not be run, but only saved to disk, so
        // AssemblyBuilderAccess.Save is specified.
        AppDomain myDomain = AppDomain.CurrentDomain;
        AssemblyName myAsmName = new AssemblyName("MakeXxxTypeExample");
        AssemblyBuilder myAssembly = myDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(

        // An assembly is made up of executable modules. For a single-
        // module assembly, the module name and file name are the same
        // as the assembly name.
        ModuleBuilder myModule = myAssembly.DefineDynamicModule(
            myAsmName.Name + ".dll");

        // Define the sample type.
        TypeBuilder myType = myModule.DefineType(
            TypeAttributes.Public | TypeAttributes.Abstract);

        // Define a method that takes a ref argument of type Sample,
        // a pointer to type Sample, and an array of Sample objects. The
        // method returns a two-dimensional array of Sample objects.
        // To create this method, you need Type objects that represent the
        // parameter types and the return type. Use the MakeByRefType,
        // MakePointerType, and MakeArrayType methods to create the Type
        // objects.
        Type byRefMyType = myType.MakeByRefType();
        Type pointerMyType = myType.MakePointerType();
        Type arrayMyType = myType.MakeArrayType();
        Type twoDimArrayMyType = myType.MakeArrayType(2);

        // Create the array of parameter types.
        Type[] parameterTypes = {byRefMyType, pointerMyType, arrayMyType};

        // Define the abstract Test method. After you have compiled
        // and run this code example code, you can use ildasm.exe
        // to open MakeXxxTypeExample.dll, examine the Sample type,
        // and verify the parameter types and return type of the
        // TestMethod method.
        MethodBuilder myMethodBuilder = myType.DefineMethod(
            MethodAttributes.Abstract | MethodAttributes.Virtual
                | MethodAttributes.Public,

        // Create the type and save the assembly. For a single-file
        // assembly, there is only one module to store the manifest
        // information in.
        myAssembly.Save(myAsmName.Name + ".dll");
Imports System.Reflection
Imports System.Reflection.Emit

Public Class Example
    Public Shared Sub Main()
        ' Define a dynamic assembly to contain the sample type. The
        ' assembly will not be run, but only saved to disk, so
        ' AssemblyBuilderAccess.Save is specified.
        Dim myDomain As AppDomain = AppDomain.CurrentDomain
        Dim myAsmName As New AssemblyName("MakeXxxTypeExample")
        Dim myAssembly As AssemblyBuilder = myDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly( _
            myAsmName, _

        ' An assembly is made up of executable modules. For a single-
        ' module assembly, the module name and file name are the same 
        ' as the assembly name. 
        Dim myModule As ModuleBuilder = myAssembly.DefineDynamicModule( _
            myAsmName.Name, _
            myAsmName.Name & ".dll")

        ' Define the sample type.
        Dim myType As TypeBuilder = myModule.DefineType( _
            "Sample", _
            TypeAttributes.Public Or TypeAttributes.Abstract)

        ' Define a method that takes a ByRef argument of type Sample,
        ' a pointer to type Sample, and an array of Sample objects. The
        ' method returns a two-dimensional array of Sample objects.
        ' To create this method, you need Type objects that represent the
        ' parameter types and the return type. Use the MakeByRefType, 
        ' MakePointerType, and MakeArrayType methods to create the Type
        ' objects.
        Dim byRefMyType As Type = myType.MakeByRefType
        Dim pointerMyType As Type = myType.MakePointerType
        Dim arrayMyType As Type = myType.MakeArrayType
        Dim twoDimArrayMyType As Type = myType.MakeArrayType(2)

        ' Create the array of parameter types.
        Dim parameterTypes() As Type = _
            {byRefMyType, pointerMyType, arrayMyType}

        ' Define the abstract Test method. After you have compiled
        ' and run this code example code, you can use ildasm.exe 
        ' to open MakeXxxTypeExample.dll, examine the Sample type,
        ' and verify the parameter types and return type of the
        ' TestMethod method.
        Dim myMethodBuilder As MethodBuilder = myType.DefineMethod( _
            "TestMethod", _
            MethodAttributes.Abstract Or MethodAttributes.Virtual _
                Or MethodAttributes.Public, _
            twoDimArrayMyType, _

        ' Create the type and save the assembly. For a single-file 
        ' assembly, there is only one module to store the manifest 
        ' information in.
        myAssembly.Save(myAsmName.Name & ".dll")

    End Sub
End Class


메서드는 MakeArrayType 제네릭 형식을 포함하여 가능한 모든 요소 형식으로 배열 형식을 생성하는 방법을 제공합니다.

추가 정보

적용 대상



하한이 0인 현재 형식의 1차원 배열을 나타내는 Type 개체를 반환합니다.

 override Type ^ MakeArrayType();
public override Type MakeArrayType();
override this.MakeArrayType : unit -> Type
Public Overrides Function MakeArrayType () As Type


해당 요소 형식이 하한이 0인 현재 형식인 1차원 배열 형식을 나타내는 Type 개체입니다.


다음 코드 예제에서는 동적 모듈, 라는 Sample추상 형식 및 라는 TestMethod추상 메서드를 만듭니다. TestMethod는 형식의 ref 매개 변수(ByRefVisual Basic의 경우) , 형식SampleSample에 대한 포인터 및 형식Sample의 배열을 사용합니다. 형식 Sample의 2차원 배열을 반환합니다. 코드 예제에서는 동적 모듈을 디스크에 저장하므로 Ildasm.exe(IL 디스어셈블러)로 검사할 수 있습니다.

using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Reflection.Emit;
using Microsoft.VisualBasic;

public class Example
    public static void Main()
        // Define a dynamic assembly to contain the sample type. The
        // assembly will not be run, but only saved to disk, so
        // AssemblyBuilderAccess.Save is specified.
        AppDomain myDomain = AppDomain.CurrentDomain;
        AssemblyName myAsmName = new AssemblyName("MakeXxxTypeExample");
        AssemblyBuilder myAssembly = myDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(

        // An assembly is made up of executable modules. For a single-
        // module assembly, the module name and file name are the same
        // as the assembly name.
        ModuleBuilder myModule = myAssembly.DefineDynamicModule(
            myAsmName.Name + ".dll");

        // Define the sample type.
        TypeBuilder myType = myModule.DefineType(
            TypeAttributes.Public | TypeAttributes.Abstract);

        // Define a method that takes a ref argument of type Sample,
        // a pointer to type Sample, and an array of Sample objects. The
        // method returns a two-dimensional array of Sample objects.
        // To create this method, you need Type objects that represent the
        // parameter types and the return type. Use the MakeByRefType,
        // MakePointerType, and MakeArrayType methods to create the Type
        // objects.
        Type byRefMyType = myType.MakeByRefType();
        Type pointerMyType = myType.MakePointerType();
        Type arrayMyType = myType.MakeArrayType();
        Type twoDimArrayMyType = myType.MakeArrayType(2);

        // Create the array of parameter types.
        Type[] parameterTypes = {byRefMyType, pointerMyType, arrayMyType};

        // Define the abstract Test method. After you have compiled
        // and run this code example code, you can use ildasm.exe
        // to open MakeXxxTypeExample.dll, examine the Sample type,
        // and verify the parameter types and return type of the
        // TestMethod method.
        MethodBuilder myMethodBuilder = myType.DefineMethod(
            MethodAttributes.Abstract | MethodAttributes.Virtual
                | MethodAttributes.Public,

        // Create the type and save the assembly. For a single-file
        // assembly, there is only one module to store the manifest
        // information in.
        myAssembly.Save(myAsmName.Name + ".dll");
Imports System.Reflection
Imports System.Reflection.Emit

Public Class Example
    Public Shared Sub Main()
        ' Define a dynamic assembly to contain the sample type. The
        ' assembly will not be run, but only saved to disk, so
        ' AssemblyBuilderAccess.Save is specified.
        Dim myDomain As AppDomain = AppDomain.CurrentDomain
        Dim myAsmName As New AssemblyName("MakeXxxTypeExample")
        Dim myAssembly As AssemblyBuilder = myDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly( _
            myAsmName, _

        ' An assembly is made up of executable modules. For a single-
        ' module assembly, the module name and file name are the same 
        ' as the assembly name. 
        Dim myModule As ModuleBuilder = myAssembly.DefineDynamicModule( _
            myAsmName.Name, _
            myAsmName.Name & ".dll")

        ' Define the sample type.
        Dim myType As TypeBuilder = myModule.DefineType( _
            "Sample", _
            TypeAttributes.Public Or TypeAttributes.Abstract)

        ' Define a method that takes a ByRef argument of type Sample,
        ' a pointer to type Sample, and an array of Sample objects. The
        ' method returns a two-dimensional array of Sample objects.
        ' To create this method, you need Type objects that represent the
        ' parameter types and the return type. Use the MakeByRefType, 
        ' MakePointerType, and MakeArrayType methods to create the Type
        ' objects.
        Dim byRefMyType As Type = myType.MakeByRefType
        Dim pointerMyType As Type = myType.MakePointerType
        Dim arrayMyType As Type = myType.MakeArrayType
        Dim twoDimArrayMyType As Type = myType.MakeArrayType(2)

        ' Create the array of parameter types.
        Dim parameterTypes() As Type = _
            {byRefMyType, pointerMyType, arrayMyType}

        ' Define the abstract Test method. After you have compiled
        ' and run this code example code, you can use ildasm.exe 
        ' to open MakeXxxTypeExample.dll, examine the Sample type,
        ' and verify the parameter types and return type of the
        ' TestMethod method.
        Dim myMethodBuilder As MethodBuilder = myType.DefineMethod( _
            "TestMethod", _
            MethodAttributes.Abstract Or MethodAttributes.Virtual _
                Or MethodAttributes.Public, _
            twoDimArrayMyType, _

        ' Create the type and save the assembly. For a single-file 
        ' assembly, there is only one module to store the manifest 
        ' information in.
        myAssembly.Save(myAsmName.Name & ".dll")

    End Sub
End Class


메서드는 MakeArrayType 제네릭 형식을 포함하여 가능한 모든 요소 형식으로 배열 형식을 생성하는 방법을 제공합니다.

추가 정보

적용 대상