다음을 통해 공유

Math.Log10(Double) 메서드


밑을 10으로 사용하여 지정된 숫자의 로그를 반환합니다.

 static double Log10(double d);
public static double Log10(double d);
static member Log10 : double -> double
Public Shared Function Log10 (d As Double) As Double

매개 변수


로그가 있는 숫자입니다.


다음 표에 나와 있는 값 중 하나입니다.

d 매개 변수 반환 값
양수 밑이 10인 d의 로그인 log 10d입니다.
NaN과 같습니다.NaN
PositiveInfinity과 같습니다.PositiveInfinity


다음 예제에서는 메서드를 Log10 사용하여 선택한 값에 대한 기본 10 로그를 반환합니다.

using System;

public class Example
   public static void Main()
      double[] numbers = {-1, 0, .105, .5, .798, 1, 4, 6.9, 10, 50,
                          100, 500, 1000, Double.MaxValue};

      foreach (double number in numbers)
         Console.WriteLine("The base 10 log of {0} is {1}.",
                           number, Math.Log10(number));
// The example dislays the following output:
//       The base 10 log of -1 is NaN.
//       The base 10 log of 0 is -Infinity.
//       The base 10 log of 0.105 is -0.978810700930062.
//       The base 10 log of 0.5 is -0.301029995663981.
//       The base 10 log of 0.798 is -0.0979971086492706.
//       The base 10 log of 1 is 0.
//       The base 10 log of 4 is 0.602059991327962.
//       The base 10 log of 6.9 is 0.838849090737255.
//       The base 10 log of 10 is 1.
//       The base 10 log of 50 is 1.69897000433602.
//       The base 10 log of 100 is 2.
//       The base 10 log of 500 is 2.69897000433602.
//       The base 10 log of 1000 is 3.
//       The base 10 log of 1.79769313486232E+308 is 308.254715559917.
open System

let numbers =
    [ -1.; 0; 0.105; 0.5; 0.798; 1; 4; 6.9; 10
      50; 100; 500; 1000; Double.MaxValue ]

for number in numbers do
    // the F# log10 function may be used instead
    printfn $"The base 10 log of {number} is {Math.Log10 number}."
// The example dislays the following output:
//       The base 10 log of -1 is NaN.
//       The base 10 log of 0 is -Infinity.
//       The base 10 log of 0.105 is -0.978810700930062.
//       The base 10 log of 0.5 is -0.301029995663981.
//       The base 10 log of 0.798 is -0.0979971086492706.
//       The base 10 log of 1 is 0.
//       The base 10 log of 4 is 0.602059991327962.
//       The base 10 log of 6.9 is 0.838849090737255.
//       The base 10 log of 10 is 1.
//       The base 10 log of 50 is 1.69897000433602.
//       The base 10 log of 100 is 2.
//       The base 10 log of 500 is 2.69897000433602.
//       The base 10 log of 1000 is 3.
//       The base 10 log of 1.79769313486232E+308 is 308.254715559917.
Module Example
   Public Sub Main()
      Dim numbers() As Double = {-1, 0, .105, .5, .798, 1, 4, 6.9, 10, 50, _
                                 100, 500, 1000, Double.MaxValue}
      For Each number As Double In numbers
         Console.WriteLine("The base 10 log of {0} is {1}.", _
                           number, Math.Log10(number))
   End Sub
End Module
' The example displays the following output:
'       The base 10 log of -1 is NaN.
'       The base 10 log of 0 is -Infinity.
'       The base 10 log of 0.105 is -0.978810700930062.
'       The base 10 log of 0.5 is -0.301029995663981.
'       The base 10 log of 0.798 is -0.0979971086492706.
'       The base 10 log of 1 is 0.
'       The base 10 log of 4 is 0.602059991327962.
'       The base 10 log of 6.9 is 0.838849090737255.
'       The base 10 log of 10 is 1.
'       The base 10 log of 50 is 1.69897000433602.
'       The base 10 log of 100 is 2.
'       The base 10 log of 500 is 2.69897000433602.
'       The base 10 log of 1000 is 3.
'       The base 10 log of 1.79769313486232E+308 is 308.254715559917.


매개 변수 d 는 기본 10 숫자로 지정됩니다.

이 메서드는 기본 C 런타임을 호출하며 정확한 결과 또는 유효한 입력 범위는 서로 다른 운영 체제 또는 아키텍처 간에 다를 수 있습니다.

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