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ArrowStringDataFrameColumn Class


An immutable column to hold Arrow style strings

public class ArrowStringDataFrameColumn : Microsoft.Data.Analysis.DataFrameColumn, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<string>
type ArrowStringDataFrameColumn = class
    inherit DataFrameColumn
    interface seq<string>
    interface IEnumerable
Public Class ArrowStringDataFrameColumn
Inherits DataFrameColumn
Implements IEnumerable(Of String)


ArrowStringDataFrameColumn(String, ReadOnlyMemory<Byte>, ReadOnlyMemory<Byte>, ReadOnlyMemory<Byte>, Int32, Int32)

Constructs an ArrowStringDataFrameColumn with the given name, length and nullCount. The values, offsets and nullBits are the contents of the column in the Arrow format.


Constructs an empty ArrowStringDataFrameColumn with the given name.



The type of data this column holds.

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)
Item[Int64, Int32]

Returns length number of values starting from startIndex.


Indexer to get values. This is an immutable column


The length of this column

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)

The column name.

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)

The number of null values in this column.



Updates each numeric element with its absolute numeric value

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)
Add(DataFrameColumn, Boolean)

Performs element-wise addition

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)
Add<T>(T, Boolean)

Performs an element-wise addition on each value in the column

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)

Adds a new DataViewSchema.Column to the specified builder for the current column.

AddValueUsingCursor(DataViewRowCursor, Delegate)

Appends a value to this DataFrameColumn using cursor

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)

Returns whether all the elements are True

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)
And(Boolean, Boolean)

Performs an element-wise boolean And on each value in the column

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)
And(DataFrameColumn, Boolean)

Performs element-wise boolean And

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)

Returns whether any element is True

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)

Applies a function to all the values

Clamp<U>(U, U, Boolean)
ClampImplementation<U>(U, U, Boolean)

Clamps values beyond the specified thresholds

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)
Clone(DataFrameColumn, Boolean, Int64)

Clone column to produce a copy potentially changing the order of values by supplying mapIndices and an invert flag

CloneImplementation(DataFrameColumn, Boolean, Int64)

Clone column to produce a copy potentially changing the order of values by supplying mapIndices and an invert flag

CloneImplementation(DataFrameColumn, Boolean, Int64)

Clone column to produce a copy potentially changing the order of values by supplying mapIndices and an invert flag

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)
CloneImplementation(Int64) System.Object.CloneImplementation(System.Int64)

Updates each element with its cumulative maximum

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)
CumulativeMax(IEnumerable<Int64>, Boolean)

Updates column values at rowIndices with its cumulative rowIndices maximum

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)

Updates each element with its cumulative minimum

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)
CumulativeMin(IEnumerable<Int64>, Boolean)

Updates column values at rowIndices with its cumulative rowIndices minimum

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)

Updates each element with its cumulative product

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)
CumulativeProduct(IEnumerable<Int64>, Boolean)

Updates column values at rowIndices with its cumulative rowIndices product

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)

Updates each element with its cumulative sum

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)
CumulativeSum(IEnumerable<Int64>, Boolean)

Updates column values at rowIndices with its cumulative rowIndices sum

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)

Returns a DataFrameColumn with statistics that describe the column

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)
Divide(DataFrameColumn, Boolean)

Performs element-wise division

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)
Divide<T>(T, Boolean)

Performs an element-wise division on each value in the column

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)

Returns a DataFrameColumn with no missing values.


Performs element-wise equals


Returns a boolean column that is the result of an elementwise equality comparison of each value in the column with value


Performs an element-wise equals on each value in the column


Performs element-wise greater than

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)

Performs an element-wise greater than on each value in the column

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)

Performs element-wise greater than or equal

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)

Performs an element-wise greater than or equal on each value in the column

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)

Performs an element-wise not equal to Null on each value in the column

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)

Performs an element-wise equal to Null on each value in the column

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)

Performs element-wise less than

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)

Performs an element-wise less than on each value in the column

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)

Performs element-wise less than or equal

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)

Performs an element-wise less than or equal on each value in the column

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)

Performs element-wise not-equals


Returns a boolean column that is the result of an elementwise not-equal comparison of each value in the column with value


Performs an element-wise not-equals on each value in the column

FillNulls(Object, Boolean)

Returns a new column with null elements replaced by value.

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)
FillNulls(String, Boolean) System.Object.FillNulls(System.String,System.Boolean)
FillNullsImplementation(Object, Boolean)
Filter<U>(U, U)
FilterImplementation<U>(U, U)

Returns a new column filtered by the lower and upper bounds

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)
GetArrowField() System.Object.GetArrowField

Creates a ValueGetter<TValue> that will return the value of the column for the row the cursor is referencing.


Returns an enumerator that iterates through the string values in this column.


Returns an enumerator that iterates this column.

GetGroupedOccurrences(DataFrameColumn, HashSet<Int64>)
GetGroupedOccurrences<TKey>(DataFrameColumn, HashSet<Int64>)

Get occurences of each value from this column in other column, grouped by this value

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)

Returns the max number of values that are contiguous in memory


Returns an enumeration of immutable buffers representing the underlying values in the Apache Arrow format


Returns an enumeration of immutable ReadOnlyMemory<T> buffers representing null values in the Apache Arrow format


Returns an enumeration of immutable ReadOnlyMemory<T> representing offsets into its corresponding Data buffer. The Apache Arrow format specifies how the offset buffer encodes the length of each value in the Data buffer

GetSortIndices(Boolean, Boolean)

Returns the value at rowIndex.

GetValueGetterUsingCursor(DataViewRowCursor, DataViewSchema+Column)

Returns the ValueGetter for each active column in cursor as a delegate to be cached.

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)
GetValues(Int64, Int32)

Returns length number of values starting from startIndex.

GroupBy(Int32, DataFrame) System.Object.GroupBy(System.Int32,Microsoft.Data.Analysis.DataFrame)

Groups the rows of this column by their value.


Used to exclude columns from the Description method

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)

Returns a StringDataFrameColumn containing the DataType and Length of this column

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)

Determines if the column is of a numeric type

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)

Indicates if the value at this index is null.

LeftShift(Int32, Boolean)

Performs an element-wise left shift on each value in the column

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)

Returns the maximum of the values in the column

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)

Returns the maximum of the values at rowIndices

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)

Returns the mean of the values in the column. Throws if this is not a numeric column

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)

Returns the median of the values in the column. Throws if this is not a numeric column

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)

Returns the minimum of the values in the column

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)

Returns the minimum of the values at the rowIndices

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)
Modulo(DataFrameColumn, Boolean)

Performs element-wise modulus

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)
Modulo<T>(T, Boolean)

Performs an element-wise modulus operation on each value in the column

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)
Multiply(DataFrameColumn, Boolean)

Performs element-wise multiplication

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)
Multiply<T>(T, Boolean)

Performs an element-wise multiplication on each value in the column

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)
Or(Boolean, Boolean)

Performs an element-wise boolean Or on each value in the column

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)
Or(DataFrameColumn, Boolean)

Performs element-wise boolean Or

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)

Returns the product of the values in the column

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)

Returns the product of the values at the rowIndices

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)

Called internally from Append, Merge and GroupBy. Resizes the column to the specified length to allow setting values by indexing

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)
ReverseAdd<T>(T, Boolean)

Performs a reversed element-wise addition on each value in the column

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)
ReverseAnd(Boolean, Boolean)

Performs a reversed element-wise boolean And on each value in the column

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)
ReverseDivide<T>(T, Boolean)

Performs a reversed element-wise division on each value in the column

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)
ReverseModulo<T>(T, Boolean)

Performs a reversed element-wise modulus operation on each value in the column

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)
ReverseMultiply<T>(T, Boolean)

Performs a reversed element-wise multiplication on each value in the column

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)
ReverseOr(Boolean, Boolean)

Performs a reversed element-wise boolean Or on each value in the column

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)
ReverseSubtract<T>(T, Boolean)

Performs a reversed element-wise subtraction on each value in the column

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)
ReverseXor(Boolean, Boolean)

Performs a reversed element-wise boolean Xor on each value in the column

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)
RightShift(Int32, Boolean)

Performs an element-wise right shift on each value in the column

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)

Calls Math.Round on each value in a column

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)
SetName(String, DataFrame)

Updates the name of this column.

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)

Updates the column name.

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)
SetValue(Int64, Object)

Sets the value at rowIndex with value

Sort(Boolean, Boolean)

Returns a copy of this column sorted by its values.

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)

Returns a copy of this column sorted by its values

Subtract(DataFrameColumn, Boolean)

Performs element-wise subtraction

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)
Subtract<T>(T, Boolean)

Performs an element-wise subtraction on each value in the column

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)

Returns the sum of the values in the column

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)

Returns the sum of the values at the rowIndices

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)
ToArrowArray(Int64, Int32) System.Object.ToArrowArray(System.Int64,System.Int32)

A preview of the contents of this DataFrameColumn as a string.

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)
ToString(Int64) (Inherited from DataFrameColumn)

Returns a DataFrame containing counts of unique values

Xor(Boolean, Boolean)

Performs an element-wise boolean Xor on each value in the column

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)
Xor(DataFrameColumn, Boolean)

Performs element-wise boolean Xor

(Inherited from DataFrameColumn)

Explicit Interface Implementations

IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() (Inherited from DataFrameColumn)

Applies to