다음을 통해 공유

Microsoft.Web containerApps 2023-12-01


This resource type has migrated to the Microsoft.App namespace. For the new resource type, see Microsoft.App containerApps.

For information about the migration, see Action Required: Namespace migration from Microsoft.Web to Microsoft.App in March 2022.

Bicep resource definition

The containerApps resource type can be deployed with operations that target:

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.Web/containerApps resource, add the following Bicep to your template.

resource symbolicname 'Microsoft.Web/containerApps@2023-12-01' = {
  kind: 'string'
  location: 'string'
  name: 'string'
  properties: {
    configuration: {
      activeRevisionsMode: 'string'
      ingress: {
        allowInsecure: bool
        external: bool
        targetPort: int
        traffic: [
            latestRevision: bool
            revisionName: 'string'
            weight: int
        transport: 'string'
      registries: [
          passwordSecretRef: 'string'
          server: 'string'
          username: 'string'
      secrets: [
          name: 'string'
          value: 'string'
    kubeEnvironmentId: 'string'
    template: {
      containers: [
          args: [
          command: [
          env: [
              name: 'string'
              secretRef: 'string'
              value: 'string'
          image: 'string'
          name: 'string'
          resources: {
            cpu: int
            memory: 'string'
      dapr: {
        appId: 'string'
        appPort: int
        components: [
            metadata: [
                name: 'string'
                secretRef: 'string'
                value: 'string'
            name: 'string'
            type: 'string'
            version: 'string'
        enabled: bool
      revisionSuffix: 'string'
      scale: {
        maxReplicas: int
        minReplicas: int
        rules: [
            azureQueue: {
              auth: [
                  secretRef: 'string'
                  triggerParameter: 'string'
              queueLength: int
              queueName: 'string'
            custom: {
              auth: [
                  secretRef: 'string'
                  triggerParameter: 'string'
              metadata: {
                {customized property}: 'string'
              type: 'string'
            http: {
              auth: [
                  secretRef: 'string'
                  triggerParameter: 'string'
              metadata: {
                {customized property}: 'string'
            name: 'string'
  tags: {
    {customized property}: 'string'

Property Values


Name Description Value
activeRevisionsMode ActiveRevisionsMode controls how active revisions are handled for the Container app:
<list><item>Multiple: multiple revisions can be active. If no value if provided, this is the default</item><item>Single: Only one revision can be active at a time. Revision weights can not be used in this mode</item></list>
ingress Ingress configurations. Ingress
registries Collection of private container registry credentials for containers used by the Container app RegistryCredentials[]
secrets Collection of secrets used by a Container app Secret[]


Name Description Value
args Container start command arguments. string[]
command Container start command. string[]
env Container environment variables. EnvironmentVar[]
image Container image tag. string
name Custom container name. string
resources Container resource requirements. ContainerResources


Name Description Value
configuration Non versioned Container App configuration properties. Configuration
kubeEnvironmentId Resource ID of the Container App's KubeEnvironment. string
template Container App versioned application definition. Template


Name Description Value
cpu Required CPU in cores, e.g. 0.5 int
memory Required memory, e.g. "250Mb" string


Name Description Value
auth Authentication secrets for the custom scale rule. ScaleRuleAuth[]
metadata Metadata properties to describe custom scale rule. CustomScaleRuleMetadata
type Type of the custom scale rule
eg: azure-servicebus, redis etc.


Name Description Value


Name Description Value
appId Dapr application identifier string
appPort Port on which the Dapr side car int
components Collection of Dapr components DaprComponent[]
enabled Boolean indicating if the Dapr side car is enabled bool


Name Description Value
metadata Component metadata DaprMetadata[]
name Component name string
type Component type string
version Component version string


Name Description Value
name Metadata property name. string
secretRef Name of the Container App secret from which to pull the metadata property value. string
value Metadata property value. string


Name Description Value
name Environment variable name. string
secretRef Name of the Container App secret from which to pull the environment variable value. string
value Non-secret environment variable value. string


Name Description Value
auth Authentication secrets for the custom scale rule. ScaleRuleAuth[]
metadata Metadata properties to describe http scale rule. HttpScaleRuleMetadata


Name Description Value


Name Description Value
allowInsecure Bool indicating if HTTP connections to is allowed. If set to false HTTP connections are automatically redirected to HTTPS connections bool
external Bool indicating if app exposes an external http endpoint bool
targetPort Target Port in containers for traffic from ingress int
traffic TrafficWeight[]
transport Ingress transport protocol 'auto'


Name Description Value
kind Kind of resource. string
location Resource Location. string (required)
name The resource name string (required)
properties ContainerApp resource specific properties ContainerAppProperties
tags Resource tags Dictionary of tag names and values. See Tags in templates


Name Description Value
auth Authentication secrets for the queue scale rule. ScaleRuleAuth[]
queueLength Queue length. int
queueName Queue name. string


Name Description Value
passwordSecretRef The name of the Secret that contains the registry login password string
server Container Registry Server string
username Container Registry Username string


Name Description Value


Name Description Value
maxReplicas Optional. Maximum number of container replicas. Defaults to 10 if not set. int
minReplicas Optional. Minimum number of container replicas. int
rules Scaling rules. ScaleRule[]


Name Description Value
azureQueue Azure Queue based scaling. QueueScaleRule
custom Custom scale rule. CustomScaleRule
http HTTP requests based scaling. HttpScaleRule
name Scale Rule Name string


Name Description Value
secretRef Name of the Container App secret from which to pull the auth params. string
triggerParameter Trigger Parameter that uses the secret string


Name Description Value
name Secret Name. string
value Secret Value. string

Sensitive value. Pass in as a secure parameter.


Name Description Value
containers List of container definitions for the Container App. Container[]
dapr Dapr configuration for the Container App. Dapr
revisionSuffix User friendly suffix that is appended to the revision name string
scale Scaling properties for the Container App. Scale


Name Description Value
latestRevision Indicates that the traffic weight belongs to a latest stable revision bool
revisionName Name of a revision string
weight Traffic weight assigned to a revision int

ARM template resource definition

The containerApps resource type can be deployed with operations that target:

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.Web/containerApps resource, add the following JSON to your template.

  "type": "Microsoft.Web/containerApps",
  "apiVersion": "2023-12-01",
  "name": "string",
  "kind": "string",
  "location": "string",
  "properties": {
    "configuration": {
      "activeRevisionsMode": "string",
      "ingress": {
        "allowInsecure": "bool",
        "external": "bool",
        "targetPort": "int",
        "traffic": [
            "latestRevision": "bool",
            "revisionName": "string",
            "weight": "int"
        "transport": "string"
      "registries": [
          "passwordSecretRef": "string",
          "server": "string",
          "username": "string"
      "secrets": [
          "name": "string",
          "value": "string"
    "kubeEnvironmentId": "string",
    "template": {
      "containers": [
          "args": [ "string" ],
          "command": [ "string" ],
          "env": [
              "name": "string",
              "secretRef": "string",
              "value": "string"
          "image": "string",
          "name": "string",
          "resources": {
            "cpu": "int",
            "memory": "string"
      "dapr": {
        "appId": "string",
        "appPort": "int",
        "components": [
            "metadata": [
                "name": "string",
                "secretRef": "string",
                "value": "string"
            "name": "string",
            "type": "string",
            "version": "string"
        "enabled": "bool"
      "revisionSuffix": "string",
      "scale": {
        "maxReplicas": "int",
        "minReplicas": "int",
        "rules": [
            "azureQueue": {
              "auth": [
                  "secretRef": "string",
                  "triggerParameter": "string"
              "queueLength": "int",
              "queueName": "string"
            "custom": {
              "auth": [
                  "secretRef": "string",
                  "triggerParameter": "string"
              "metadata": {
                "{customized property}": "string"
              "type": "string"
            "http": {
              "auth": [
                  "secretRef": "string",
                  "triggerParameter": "string"
              "metadata": {
                "{customized property}": "string"
            "name": "string"
  "tags": {
    "{customized property}": "string"

Property Values


Name Description Value
activeRevisionsMode ActiveRevisionsMode controls how active revisions are handled for the Container app:
<list><item>Multiple: multiple revisions can be active. If no value if provided, this is the default</item><item>Single: Only one revision can be active at a time. Revision weights can not be used in this mode</item></list>
ingress Ingress configurations. Ingress
registries Collection of private container registry credentials for containers used by the Container app RegistryCredentials[]
secrets Collection of secrets used by a Container app Secret[]


Name Description Value
args Container start command arguments. string[]
command Container start command. string[]
env Container environment variables. EnvironmentVar[]
image Container image tag. string
name Custom container name. string
resources Container resource requirements. ContainerResources


Name Description Value
configuration Non versioned Container App configuration properties. Configuration
kubeEnvironmentId Resource ID of the Container App's KubeEnvironment. string
template Container App versioned application definition. Template


Name Description Value
cpu Required CPU in cores, e.g. 0.5 int
memory Required memory, e.g. "250Mb" string


Name Description Value
auth Authentication secrets for the custom scale rule. ScaleRuleAuth[]
metadata Metadata properties to describe custom scale rule. CustomScaleRuleMetadata
type Type of the custom scale rule
eg: azure-servicebus, redis etc.


Name Description Value


Name Description Value
appId Dapr application identifier string
appPort Port on which the Dapr side car int
components Collection of Dapr components DaprComponent[]
enabled Boolean indicating if the Dapr side car is enabled bool


Name Description Value
metadata Component metadata DaprMetadata[]
name Component name string
type Component type string
version Component version string


Name Description Value
name Metadata property name. string
secretRef Name of the Container App secret from which to pull the metadata property value. string
value Metadata property value. string


Name Description Value
name Environment variable name. string
secretRef Name of the Container App secret from which to pull the environment variable value. string
value Non-secret environment variable value. string


Name Description Value
auth Authentication secrets for the custom scale rule. ScaleRuleAuth[]
metadata Metadata properties to describe http scale rule. HttpScaleRuleMetadata


Name Description Value


Name Description Value
allowInsecure Bool indicating if HTTP connections to is allowed. If set to false HTTP connections are automatically redirected to HTTPS connections bool
external Bool indicating if app exposes an external http endpoint bool
targetPort Target Port in containers for traffic from ingress int
traffic TrafficWeight[]
transport Ingress transport protocol 'auto'


Name Description Value
apiVersion The api version '2023-12-01'
kind Kind of resource. string
location Resource Location. string (required)
name The resource name string (required)
properties ContainerApp resource specific properties ContainerAppProperties
tags Resource tags Dictionary of tag names and values. See Tags in templates
type The resource type 'Microsoft.Web/containerApps'


Name Description Value
auth Authentication secrets for the queue scale rule. ScaleRuleAuth[]
queueLength Queue length. int
queueName Queue name. string


Name Description Value
passwordSecretRef The name of the Secret that contains the registry login password string
server Container Registry Server string
username Container Registry Username string


Name Description Value


Name Description Value
maxReplicas Optional. Maximum number of container replicas. Defaults to 10 if not set. int
minReplicas Optional. Minimum number of container replicas. int
rules Scaling rules. ScaleRule[]


Name Description Value
azureQueue Azure Queue based scaling. QueueScaleRule
custom Custom scale rule. CustomScaleRule
http HTTP requests based scaling. HttpScaleRule
name Scale Rule Name string


Name Description Value
secretRef Name of the Container App secret from which to pull the auth params. string
triggerParameter Trigger Parameter that uses the secret string


Name Description Value
name Secret Name. string
value Secret Value. string

Sensitive value. Pass in as a secure parameter.


Name Description Value
containers List of container definitions for the Container App. Container[]
dapr Dapr configuration for the Container App. Dapr
revisionSuffix User friendly suffix that is appended to the revision name string
scale Scaling properties for the Container App. Scale


Name Description Value
latestRevision Indicates that the traffic weight belongs to a latest stable revision bool
revisionName Name of a revision string
weight Traffic weight assigned to a revision int

Usage Examples

Terraform (AzAPI provider) resource definition

The containerApps resource type can be deployed with operations that target:

  • Resource groups

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.Web/containerApps resource, add the following Terraform to your template.

resource "azapi_resource" "symbolicname" {
  type = "Microsoft.Web/containerApps@2023-12-01"
  name = "string"
  kind = "string"
  location = "string"
  tags = {
    {customized property} = "string"
  body = jsonencode({
    properties = {
      configuration = {
        activeRevisionsMode = "string"
        ingress = {
          allowInsecure = bool
          external = bool
          targetPort = int
          traffic = [
              latestRevision = bool
              revisionName = "string"
              weight = int
          transport = "string"
        registries = [
            passwordSecretRef = "string"
            server = "string"
            username = "string"
        secrets = [
            name = "string"
            value = "string"
      kubeEnvironmentId = "string"
      template = {
        containers = [
            args = [
            command = [
            env = [
                name = "string"
                secretRef = "string"
                value = "string"
            image = "string"
            name = "string"
            resources = {
              cpu = int
              memory = "string"
        dapr = {
          appId = "string"
          appPort = int
          components = [
              metadata = [
                  name = "string"
                  secretRef = "string"
                  value = "string"
              name = "string"
              type = "string"
              version = "string"
          enabled = bool
        revisionSuffix = "string"
        scale = {
          maxReplicas = int
          minReplicas = int
          rules = [
              azureQueue = {
                auth = [
                    secretRef = "string"
                    triggerParameter = "string"
                queueLength = int
                queueName = "string"
              custom = {
                auth = [
                    secretRef = "string"
                    triggerParameter = "string"
                metadata = {
                  {customized property} = "string"
                type = "string"
              http = {
                auth = [
                    secretRef = "string"
                    triggerParameter = "string"
                metadata = {
                  {customized property} = "string"
              name = "string"

Property Values


Name Description Value
activeRevisionsMode ActiveRevisionsMode controls how active revisions are handled for the Container app:
<list><item>Multiple: multiple revisions can be active. If no value if provided, this is the default</item><item>Single: Only one revision can be active at a time. Revision weights can not be used in this mode</item></list>
ingress Ingress configurations. Ingress
registries Collection of private container registry credentials for containers used by the Container app RegistryCredentials[]
secrets Collection of secrets used by a Container app Secret[]


Name Description Value
args Container start command arguments. string[]
command Container start command. string[]
env Container environment variables. EnvironmentVar[]
image Container image tag. string
name Custom container name. string
resources Container resource requirements. ContainerResources


Name Description Value
configuration Non versioned Container App configuration properties. Configuration
kubeEnvironmentId Resource ID of the Container App's KubeEnvironment. string
template Container App versioned application definition. Template


Name Description Value
cpu Required CPU in cores, e.g. 0.5 int
memory Required memory, e.g. "250Mb" string


Name Description Value
auth Authentication secrets for the custom scale rule. ScaleRuleAuth[]
metadata Metadata properties to describe custom scale rule. CustomScaleRuleMetadata
type Type of the custom scale rule
eg: azure-servicebus, redis etc.


Name Description Value


Name Description Value
appId Dapr application identifier string
appPort Port on which the Dapr side car int
components Collection of Dapr components DaprComponent[]
enabled Boolean indicating if the Dapr side car is enabled bool


Name Description Value
metadata Component metadata DaprMetadata[]
name Component name string
type Component type string
version Component version string


Name Description Value
name Metadata property name. string
secretRef Name of the Container App secret from which to pull the metadata property value. string
value Metadata property value. string


Name Description Value
name Environment variable name. string
secretRef Name of the Container App secret from which to pull the environment variable value. string
value Non-secret environment variable value. string


Name Description Value
auth Authentication secrets for the custom scale rule. ScaleRuleAuth[]
metadata Metadata properties to describe http scale rule. HttpScaleRuleMetadata


Name Description Value


Name Description Value
allowInsecure Bool indicating if HTTP connections to is allowed. If set to false HTTP connections are automatically redirected to HTTPS connections bool
external Bool indicating if app exposes an external http endpoint bool
targetPort Target Port in containers for traffic from ingress int
traffic TrafficWeight[]
transport Ingress transport protocol 'auto'


Name Description Value
kind Kind of resource. string
location Resource Location. string (required)
name The resource name string (required)
properties ContainerApp resource specific properties ContainerAppProperties
tags Resource tags Dictionary of tag names and values.
type The resource type "Microsoft.Web/containerApps@2023-12-01"


Name Description Value
auth Authentication secrets for the queue scale rule. ScaleRuleAuth[]
queueLength Queue length. int
queueName Queue name. string


Name Description Value
passwordSecretRef The name of the Secret that contains the registry login password string
server Container Registry Server string
username Container Registry Username string


Name Description Value


Name Description Value
maxReplicas Optional. Maximum number of container replicas. Defaults to 10 if not set. int
minReplicas Optional. Minimum number of container replicas. int
rules Scaling rules. ScaleRule[]


Name Description Value
azureQueue Azure Queue based scaling. QueueScaleRule
custom Custom scale rule. CustomScaleRule
http HTTP requests based scaling. HttpScaleRule
name Scale Rule Name string


Name Description Value
secretRef Name of the Container App secret from which to pull the auth params. string
triggerParameter Trigger Parameter that uses the secret string


Name Description Value
name Secret Name. string
value Secret Value. string

Sensitive value. Pass in as a secure parameter.


Name Description Value
containers List of container definitions for the Container App. Container[]
dapr Dapr configuration for the Container App. Dapr
revisionSuffix User friendly suffix that is appended to the revision name string
scale Scaling properties for the Container App. Scale


Name Description Value
latestRevision Indicates that the traffic weight belongs to a latest stable revision bool
revisionName Name of a revision string
weight Traffic weight assigned to a revision int