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Virtual Earth, An Evangelist's Blog

Make it happen.

Virtual Earth Version 6 - Now Available

The Virtual Earth version 6 API is now available. The launch included several new exciting features...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 10/17/2007

MapCruncher Beta for Virtual Earth

It's official - MapCruncher is now a supported beta product by the Virtual Earth team! This is big....

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 10/15/2007

MSN Mexico, Motorola & Virtual Earth

MSN Mexico (aka Prodigy MSN) launched an application with Motorola using Virtual Earth as a backdrop...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 10/02/2007

Locking a Virtual Earth Map

There may be times when you don't want to have a draggable map. Oh, yes all the flexibility of...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 09/28/2007

Public Sector Virtual Earth Road Show

The US Public Sector DPE Team, in partnership with the Public Sector Virtual Earth & Vexcel...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 09/28/2007

FedEx Integrates Virtual Earth

Federal Express has launched their new drop box locator service using Virtual Earth. Search for the...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 09/26/2007

Environmental Protection Agency & Virtual Earth

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has licensed the Microsoft® Virtual Earth™ platform...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 09/14/2007

Marriott Integrates Virtual Earth to Find Hotels

Today, Marriott replaced their MapPoint Web Service maps with Virtual Earth maps. The implementation...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 09/13/2007

Virtual Earth Version 5 SDK in Japanese

Since we have Virtual Earth localized in Japanese and have good imagery and street data in Japan, we...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 09/11/2007

Weather Central and Virtual Earth

Weather Central recently launched their new broadcast platform using Virtual Earth. This is awesome...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 09/08/2007

How To: Skipping Zoom Levels in Virtual Earth

One of my well respected customers asked me today if we would support the ability to change the way...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 09/07/2007

Additional Virtual Earth Blog

Johannes Kebeck is a Technology Specialist on the Virtual Earth Sales Team. Besides being an all...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 09/07/2007

InmanTV Interview

Hey, that's me! In early August I was asked to interview with Jessica Swesey from Inman to talk...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 09/07/2007

Disabling Pushpin Rollover Popups

So, I haven't done a Virtual Earth code sample for a while and have noticed that I've been hit with...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 08/30/2007

The WhereAmI Project

Several years ago we had a product called MapPoint Location Server. The concept was that we could...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 08/29/2007

Microsoft vs. Google vs. Yahoo! vs MapQuest...A Customer's Perspective

Recently, one of our enterprise customers decided to re-evaluate their mapping options for their...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 08/28/2007

Live Search Mobile - Shipped

Live Search for Mobile Browse (point your mobile browser https://m.live.com ) If you’ve used this...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 07/15/2007

Virtual Earth @ WPC

Virtual Earth was featured in Steve Ballmer's keynote speech at the Microsoft Worldwide Partner...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 07/12/2007

Virtual Earth Survey

Got an opinion about Virtual Earth? Yeah, I know you do...I read the comments you guys post! :)...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 07/05/2007

New Partnership with Maporama

We've partnered with Maporama out of France to expand our services through a joint offering to the...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 07/05/2007

You want MORE, BETTER, NEWER imagery?

How's this for a Virtual Earth imagery, cartographic map and 3D model update? Yes, the API is...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 07/03/2007

Find Money with Virtual Earth

Bank of America is the latest customer to adopt Virtual Earth for their retail locator application....

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 07/02/2007

Virtual Earth SDK Version 5 Now Live!

The SDK for Version 5 is now live and available for online browsing or download. Start taking...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 06/11/2007

Drawing Tools for Virtual Earth

I get asked by developers a lot about how they can leverage the nifty drawing tools that are on Live...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 06/11/2007

HomePages.com Leveraging Virtual Earth

Homepages.com has launched their map based search using Virtual Earth. The solution leverages our...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 06/10/2007

Polygonally Search for Real Estate

John L. Scott does it again. JLS has rolled out their "neighborhood wizard" to help users more...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 06/09/2007

Canadians, Find Harry Potter with Virtual Earth

Chapters Book Stores is leveraging Virtual Earth to help Harry Potter fans find their bookstores in...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 06/09/2007

Dig for Gold within Virtual Earth

In Australia the NineMSN team has just launched Goldrush – a big initiative to propel search usage....

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 06/09/2007

Webcast: Virtual Earth Platform, Version 5 Overview

I'll be doing a web cast covering the technicalities for Virtual Earth, Version 5. It's a Level 200...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 05/15/2007

Virtual Earth @ Maker Faire 2007

I'll be working the booth at the Maker Faire this weekend in San Mateo, CA. I'll be showing some...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 05/15/2007

Virtual Earth @ Where 2.0

I'll be working the booth at Where 2.0 and running the "Going Deep with Virtual Earth" session of...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 05/10/2007

Priceline Goes Live with Virtual Earth

Priceline.com just rolled out a new way to visualize locations on a map using Virtual Earth. Do a...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 05/10/2007

Find Real Estate in Canada

RealEstatePlus.ca just launched their site using Virtual Earth. To try it out, enter postal code...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 05/09/2007

MSDN Webcast: The Russ and Joe Developer Show: Virtual Earth (Level 100)

Mark Merchant - Virtual Earth Technology Specialist for the East Coast - will be presenting on the...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 05/09/2007

Momentum Webcast: Discover Microsoft Virtual Earth 5.0 (Level 100)

Tyler Davey from Infusion Development will be providing a business (level 100) overview of Virtual...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 05/05/2007

The Virtual Earth Lab @ MIX '07

Tonight is the night of the big mashup camp for all you late night campers. It will be @ The...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 04/30/2007

April 2007 Virtual Earth Imagery Release

We just released tons of new imagery and 3D models. The list is below... New UltraCam Orthos (2D...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 04/28/2007

Move.com Now Using Virtual Earth

Move.com (aka Realtor.com) launched tonight using Virtual Earth for their home property search. Move...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 04/27/2007

Virtual Earth Version 5 is Now Live!

Here's the official release doc for Virtual Earth V5: The new Virtual Earth platform The Virtual...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 04/27/2007

CP Taking Over...

This blog is getting stale and needs a new owner, so I'm taking over. I've been running the Virtual...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 04/27/2007

Birds Eye Navigation Improvement

A nice improvement was just released for Virtual Earth’s Birds Eye navigation at...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 12/13/2006

More Virtual Earth Real Estate - Berkshire Home Services

Virtual Earth powered real estate search has been a subject of this blog many times in the past few...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 11/15/2006

Virtual Earth 3D Launches

The launch of Virtual Earth 3D makes the power of Microsoft’s new online mapping platform available...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 11/06/2006

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