Birds Eye Navigation Improvement
A nice improvement was just released for Virtual Earth’s Birds Eye navigation at The Birds Eye navigation thumbnail grid has been replaced with an inset map for easier usability (see screenshot below). Please note, this feature is currently only available at, but will definitely be added as a feature in the next release of the Virtual Earth Map Control API. For more info on the release that went out yesterday please go to
December 13, 2006
Love it Love It. I only noticed 1 thing, when look at the new bird's eye in some areas side streets look bigger then the main streets are. Is this know? I can attach a link it need be. Other wise GREAT work, I have been waiting for the stiched bird's eye for some time . Thanks You ROCKAnonymous
December 15, 2006
Wow!! I love the bird's eye navigation. Fantastic. Is there any idea of how long it will be before we can use the new nav? Magnificent.Anonymous
February 20, 2007
One question about navigation: Why is zoom-in, zoom-out with mouse wheel reversed? It doesn't match my expectations developed by video games or Google Earth.Anonymous
February 28, 2007
by IgorV, In birds eye view when I move the wheel forward, it zooms in and when I move the wheel backwards it zooms out. I like it this way, it is weird the oher way unless your mouse is pointing up and down. I can see in certain cases this can be confussing.Anonymous
March 28, 2007
The comment has been removedAnonymous
June 07, 2008
A nice improvement was just released for Virtual Earth’s Birds Eye navigation at . The Birds Eye navigation thumbnail grid has been replaced with an inset map for easier usability (see screenshot below). Please note, this featur