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The Bottleneck is at the top of the bottle

I'm not a rabid Tom Peter's fan or anything (yet), but when my uncle pointed me to the blog, Dispatches form the New World of Work , I was struck by three things that I wanted to share:

1) The New World of Work is popping up everywhere! 

2) "The Bottleneck Is at the Top of the Bottle”— Gary Hamel/Harvard Business Review. 

3) There is a reference to a new book on wikinomics that looked really compelling. From the intro:

Throughout history corporations have organized themselves according
to strict hierarchical lines of authority. Everyone was a subordinate to
someone else—employees versus managers, marketers versus customers,
producers versus supply chain subcontractors, companies versus the community.
There was always someone or some company in charge, controlling
things, at the “top” of the food chain. While hierarchies are not vanishing,
profound changes in the nature of technology, demographics, and the global
economy are giving rise to powerful new models of production based on
community, collaboration, and self-organization rather than on hierarchy
and control.

See the rest of chapter one, and read up on wikinomics: https://www.wikinomics.com/

And see more of Tom Peter's blog:


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  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
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