
다음을 통해 공유

RadiusCriterion Data Object - Campaign Management

Defines a criterion that can be used to show ads to users within the radius of a specific geographical location.

With radius criterions, you can choose to show ads to potential customers in, searching for, or viewing pages about a specified radius around a zip code, coordinates, landmark, or area.

Each radius criterion defines a radius, latitude, and longitude for the accompanying criterion bid adjustment.

The maximum number of radius criterions that you can specify per campaign or ad group is 2,000.


You can only have one LocationIntentCriterion per campaign or ad group to determine the location intent option that applies for all of the campaign or ad group's geographical criterions (location, negative location, and radius criterions). When you create the campaign or ad group's first criterion, a LocationIntentCriterion will also be added automatically with the default IntentOption set to PeopleInOrSearchingForOrViewingPages. You can add or update a campaign or ad group's LocationIntentCriterion, whether or not the campaign or ad group has any other criterions. You cannot delete a LocationIntentCriterion, although it has no purpose without location or radius criterions.

The RadiusCriterion criterion can be included within BiddableAdGroupCriterion and BiddableCampaignCriterion objects. If ad group level radius criterions are specified, the campaign level radius criterions are ignored for that ad group. In other words the ad group radius criterions override the campaign radius criterions, and are not applied as a union.

Also note that you must consider the location, negative location, and radius criterions as a set of geo criterions. If the ad group has any geo criterions, then none of the campaign's geo criterions are inherited. If the ad group doesn't have any geo criterions, then all of the campaign's geo criterions are inherited. The geo criterions can be inherited from the campaign even if the ad group has a location intent criterion. If the ad group's geo criterions are used, then the ad group's location intent criterion is used; if the campaign's geo criterions are inherited, then the campaign's location intent criterion is used and the ad group's location intent criterion is ignored. You cannot delete a campaign or ad group's location intent criterion, although it has no purpose without location or radius criterions.


<xs:complexType name="RadiusCriterion" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
  <xs:complexContent mixed="false">
    <xs:extension base="tns:Criterion">
        <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="LatitudeDegrees" nillable="true" type="xs:double" />
        <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="LongitudeDegrees" nillable="true" type="xs:double" />
        <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Name" nillable="true" type="xs:string" />
        <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Radius" nillable="true" type="xs:long" />
        <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="RadiusUnit" nillable="true" type="tns:DistanceUnit" />


The RadiusCriterion object has the following elements: LatitudeDegrees, LongitudeDegrees, Name, Radius, RadiusUnit.

Element Description Data Type
LatitudeDegrees The latitude, in degrees, of the target location.

The latitude must be greater than or equal to -85.0 and less than or equal to +85.0.

Add: Required
Update: Not allowed. If you specify this element it must match the existing setting.
LongitudeDegrees The longitude, in degrees, of the target location.

The longitude must be greater than or equal to -180.0 and less than or equal to +180.0.

Add: Required
Update: Not allowed. If you specify this element it must match the existing setting.
Name The name of the geographical location being targeted. The name can contain a maximum of 50 characters.

Add: Optional
Update: Read-only
Radius The radius that specifies the area surrounding the geographical location to target.

If the RadiusUnit is set to Miles, then positive integer values from 1 to 500 are accepted.

If the RadiusUnit is set to Kilometers, then positive integer values from 1 to 800 are accepted.

The data type is double and may be supported in a future release. Currently the service only accepts and returns integer values.

Add: Required
Update: Not allowed. If you specify this element it must match the existing setting.
RadiusUnit The unit of measurement for the specified radius, for example kilometers or miles.

Add: Required
Update: Not allowed. If you specify this element it must match the existing setting.

The RadiusCriterion object has Inherited Elements.

Inherited Elements

Inherited Elements from Criterion

The RadiusCriterion object derives from the Criterion object, and inherits the following elements: Type. The descriptions below are specific to RadiusCriterion, and might not apply to other objects that inherit the same elements from the Criterion object.

Element Description Data Type
Type The type of the criterion. This value is Radius when you retrieve a radius criterion. For more information about criterion types, see the Criterion Data Object Remarks.

Add: Read-only
Update: Read-only


Service: CampaignManagementService.svc v13
Namespace: https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13