
다음을 통해 공유

PageVisitorsWhoDidNotVisitAnotherPageRule Data Object - Campaign Management

Defines a page visitors who did not visit another page remarketing rule.

Remarketing rules are conditions used to determine who to add to your remarketing list. For the PageVisitorsWhoDidNotVisitAnotherPage rule, you must include one or more rule item groups for the page visited (IncludeRuleItemGroups), and you must also include one or more rule item groups for the page that must not have been visited (ExcludeRuleItemGroups).

For each rule item group within IncludeRuleItemGroups, the rule item conditions for the same page are joined using the logical AND operator. Then, each result from the list of rule item groups are joined using the logical OR operator.

Likewise for each rule item group within ExcludeRuleItemGroups, the rule item conditions for the same page are joined using the logical AND operator. Then, each result from the list of rule item groups are joined using the logical OR operator. Finally, the logical NOT operator will be applied to the aggregated result of exclude rule item groups.

In other words the visitor will be added to your remarketing list if any of the include rule item group conditions are met, and none of the exclude rule item group conditions are met.

For a detailed example, see the Remarks section below.


<xs:complexType name="PageVisitorsWhoDidNotVisitAnotherPageRule" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
  <xs:complexContent mixed="false">
    <xs:extension base="tns:RemarketingRule">
        <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ExcludeRuleItemGroups" nillable="true" type="tns:ArrayOfRuleItemGroup" />
        <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="IncludeRuleItemGroups" nillable="true" type="tns:ArrayOfRuleItemGroup" />


The PageVisitorsWhoDidNotVisitAnotherPageRule object has the following elements: ExcludeRuleItemGroups, IncludeRuleItemGroups.

Element Description Data Type
ExcludeRuleItemGroups The list of rule item groups that you want applied as exclusions to the remarketing list.

The maximum number of rule item groups in this element is 100. The maximum number of rule items per rule item group is 100.

Exclusions take precedence over inclusions. In other words if the user visited any excluded page within the RemarketingList membership duration e.g. previous 30 days, then they cannot be added to the list even if other page views satisfy conditions in the included rule item groups. If the excluded page views occurred prior to the membership duration lookback, and if the user's page views satisfy conditions in the included rule item groups within the membership duration, then they can be added to the remarketing list.

Add: Required
Update: Required. If you want to keep any of the previous rule item groups, then you must explicitly set them again during update.
RuleItemGroup array
IncludeRuleItemGroups The list of rule item groups that you want applied to the remarketing list.

The maximum number of rule item groups in this element is 100. The maximum number of rule items per rule item group is 100.

Add: Required
Update: Required. If you want to keep any of the previous rule item groups, then you must explicitly set them again during update.
RuleItemGroup array

The PageVisitorsWhoDidNotVisitAnotherPageRule object has Inherited Elements.

Inherited Elements

Inherited Elements from RemarketingRule

The PageVisitorsWhoDidNotVisitAnotherPageRule object derives from the RemarketingRule object, and inherits the following elements: Type. The descriptions below are specific to PageVisitorsWhoDidNotVisitAnotherPageRule, and might not apply to other objects that inherit the same elements from the RemarketingRule object.

Element Description Data Type
Type The type of the remarketing rule. For more information about remarketing rule types, see the RemarketingRule Data Object Remarks.

Add: Read-only
Update: Read-only


Remarketing rules are conditions used to determine who to add to your remarketing list. For the PageVisitorsWhoDidNotVisitAnotherPage rule, you must include one or more rule item groups for the page visited (IncludeRuleItemGroups), and you must also include one or more rule item groups for the page that must not have been visited (ExcludeRuleItemGroups).

For each rule item group within IncludeRuleItemGroups, the rule item conditions for the same page are joined using the logical AND operator. Then, each result from the list of rule item groups are joined using the logical OR operator.

Likewise for each rule item group within ExcludeRuleItemGroups, the rule item conditions for the same page are joined using the logical AND operator. Then, each result from the list of rule item groups are joined using the logical OR operator. Finally, the logical NOT operator will be applied to the aggregated result of exclude rule item groups.

In other words the visitor will be added to your remarketing list if any of the include rule item group conditions are met, and none of the exclude rule item group conditions are met.

For example let's say that the following rule item groups are set.

<Rule i:type="PageVisitorsWhoDidNotVisitAnotherPageRule">
  <Type i:nil="true" />
        <RuleItem i:type="StringRuleItem">
          <Type i:nil="true" />
        <RuleItem i:type="StringRuleItem">
          <Type i:nil="true" />
        <RuleItem i:type="StringRuleItem">
          <Type i:nil="true" />
        <RuleItem i:type="StringRuleItem">
          <Type i:nil="true" />
        <RuleItem i:type="StringRuleItem">
          <Type i:nil="true" />
        <RuleItem i:type="StringRuleItem">
          <Type i:nil="true" />
        <RuleItem i:type="StringRuleItem">
          <Type i:nil="true" />

The above definition is translated to the following logical expression:

(((Url Contains X) and (ReferrerUrl DoesNotContain Z)) or ((Url DoesNotBeginWith Y)) or ((ReferrerUrl Equals Z))) and not (((Url BeginsWith A) and (ReferrerUrl BeginsWith B)) or ((Url Contains C)))

Evaluation of the logical expression determines which of the following example users will be added to the remarketing list.

User Url Visited Referrer Url Added to List
User 1 A
X Yes. Evaluation of the logical expression results as True.

(((Url Contains X) and (ReferrerUrl DoesNotContain Z)) or ((Url DoesNotBeginWith Y)) or ((ReferrerUrl Equals Z))) and not (((Url BeginsWith A) and (ReferrerUrl BeginsWith B)) or ((Url Contains C)))

((False and True) or (True) or (False)) and not ((True and False) or (False))

(False or True or False) and not (False or False)

True and not False

User 2 B
Y Yes. Evaluation of the logical expression results as True.

(((Url Contains X) and (ReferrerUrl DoesNotContain Z)) or ((Url DoesNotBeginWith Y)) or ((ReferrerUrl Equals Z))) and not (((Url BeginsWith A) and (ReferrerUrl BeginsWith B)) or ((Url Contains C)))

((False and True) or (True) or (False)) and not ((False and False) or (False))

(False or True or False) and not (False or False)

True and not False

User 3 C
Z No. Evaluation of the logical expression results as False.

(((Url Contains X) and (ReferrerUrl DoesNotContain Z)) or ((Url DoesNotBeginWith Y)) or ((ReferrerUrl Equals Z))) and not (((Url BeginsWith A) and (ReferrerUrl BeginsWith B)) or ((Url Contains C)))

((False and False) or (True) or (True)) and not ((False and False) or (True))

(False or True or True) and not (False or True)

True and not True



Service: CampaignManagementService.svc v13
Namespace: https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13