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AdExtensionEditorialStatus Value Set - Campaign Management

Defines the editorial review status values of an ad extension.


<xs:simpleType name="AdExtensionEditorialStatus" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
  <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
    <xs:enumeration value="Active" />
    <xs:enumeration value="Disapproved" />
    <xs:enumeration value="Inactive" />
    <xs:enumeration value="ActiveLimited" />


The AdExtensionEditorialStatus value set has the following values: Active, ActiveLimited, Disapproved, Inactive.

Value Description
Active The ad extension passed editorial review.
ActiveLimited The ad extension passed editorial review in one or more markets, and one or more elements of the ad extension is undergoing editorial review in another market. For example the ad extension passed editorial review for Canada and is still pending review in the United States.
Disapproved The ad extension failed editorial review.
Inactive One or more elements of the ad extension is undergoing editorial review.


Service: CampaignManagementService.svc v13
Namespace: https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13

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