
Adding a ComponentType Block to a .cec File

Once you have created the CECInfo block to describe a Catalog feature (.cec) file, you need to add a ComponentType block, which describes the component you are adding to the Catalog. When you have completed this descriptive step, you are ready to begin adding Implementation methods for your feature. For more information, see ComponentType Block

  1. In your .cec file (for example, MyFeature.cec), enter or edit the following block after the CECInfo block:

    ComponentType (
       Description("Basic Application")
       GUID(<GUID Value>)
       Vendor(<Vendor information>)
  2. For the Name element, specify the name of the component.

  3. For the GUID element, enter a unique ID.

    Although GUIDs are automatically generated for any structure that does not supply one, it is strongly recommended that you supply your own GUIDs for your features to ensure consistency. You can use the GUIDGEN tool to create a new GUID. GUIDGEN.exe is located in the %_WINCEROOT%\SDK\BIN\i386 directory. For more information, see GUIDs and UUIDs.

  4. Complete the descriptive information for the remaining elements.

    Note   For more information about how these parameters are used, see Sample .cec Files.

See Also

Adding a .cec File to the Catalog | Removing a .cec File from the Catalog | Reverting to an Empty Catalog | Implementation Block | Binary Image Builder File

 Last updated on Friday, October 08, 2004

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