
ComponentType Block

The component type block is the basic block, which contains all feature information to be imported into the Catalog. The following code example shows a component type block.

  Name( <string> )
  GUID( <GUID Value> ) 
  Group( <string> )
  Description( <string> )
  Vendor( <string> )
    Implementation( ... )
    Implementation( ... )

The following table shows the elements of component type sub blocks.

Element Description
Name Element that identifies the name of the component type as it is displayed in the catalog.
GUID Optional element that supplies the GUID for component types, implementations and build methods. If a value is not present, it is created when the .cec file is imported into the Catalog.
Description Optional element that describes the feature. The default is none. The description must be surrounded by quotation marks, for example ("Applications\Games\BoardGames").
Group Optional element that names the file folder in which your feature is placed when it is added to the Catalog. The folder name must be surrounded by quotation marks.
Vendor Optional element that provides vendor information.
Implementations Groups of implementations.
Implementation Individual feature-level implementation within a group of implementations.
MaxResolvedImpsAllowed Optional element that specifies the maximum number of Implementation of the same type that can exist in a platform.
RequiredCEModules Optional element that lists modules that are required for this type to be added to the platform.
ExcludeWhenSet Optional element that lists a set of variables that when set in the platform cause all implementations of this type to be excluded from build.
HelpID Optional element that contains the help identifier used for component type lookup in the Platform Builder Help.

To see examples of how a ComponentType block is formed, examine the default .cec files that are installed with Platform Builder. The .cec files are installed in the Windows <Platform Builder installation path>\Cepb\Cec directory of your Platform Builder installation.

See Also

Catalog Feature Files

 Last updated on Friday, October 08, 2004

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