
InternetReadFile (Windows CE 5.0)

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This function reads data from a handle opened by the InternetOpenUrl, FtpOpenFile, or HttpOpenRequest function.

BOOL WINAPI InternetReadFile(HINTERNEThFile,LPVOIDlpBuffer,DWORDdwNumberOfBytesToRead,LPDWORDlpdwNumberOfBytesRead);


  • hFile
    [in ] Valid handle returned from a previous call to InternetOpenUrl, FtpOpenFile, or HttpOpenRequest.
  • lpBuffer
    [in] Long pointer to a buffer that receives the data read.
  • dwNumberOfBytesToRead
    [in] Specifies the number of bytes to read.
  • lpdwNumberOfBytesRead
    [out] Long pointer to a variable that receives the number of bytes read. InternetReadFile sets this value to zero before doing any work or error checking.

Return Values

TRUE indicates success. FALSE indicates failure. To get extended error information, call GetLastError. An application can also use InternetGetLastResponseInfo when necessary.


Windows CE supports valid Internet handles returned by HttpOpenRequest, FtpOpenFile, and InternetOpenUrl.

The InternetReadFile function can be completed in either synchronous or asynchronous mode.


OS Versions: Windows CE 2.0 and later.
Header: Wininet.h.
Link Library: Wininet.lib.

See Also

About HINTERNET Handles | FtpFindFirstFile | FtpOpenFile | HttpEndRequest | HttpOpenRequest | HttpSendRequestEx | InternetCloseHandle | InternetGetLastResponseInfo | InternetOpenUrl | WinInet Functions

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