
HttpSendRequestEx (Windows CE 5.0)

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This function sends the specified request to the HTTP server and allows chunked transfers.

BOOL HttpSendRequestEx(HINTERNET hRequest, LPINTERNET_BUFFERS lpBuffersIn,LPINTERNET_BUFFERS lpBuffersOut,DWORD dwFlags,DWORD dwContext);


  • hRequest
    [in] HINTERNET handle returned by HttpOpenRequest.
  • lpBuffersIn
    [in] Optional. Address of an INTERNET_BUFFERS structure.
  • lpBuffersOut
    [out] Optional. Address of an INTERNET_BUFFERS structure.
  • dwFlags
    [in] Windows CE ignores this parameter.
  • dwContext
    [in] Unsigned long integer variable that contains the application-defined context value, if a status callback function has been registered.

Return Values

Returns TRUE if successful, or FALSE otherwise.


OS Versions: Windows CE 2.12 and later.
Header: Wininet.h.
Link Library: Wininet.lib.

See Also

About HINTERNET Handles | HttpEndRequest | HttpOpenRequest | HttpSendRequest | WinInet Functions

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