Manual Connection of the CETK to a Target Device (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)
You can manually establish a connection between the CETK and a target device.
For information about using Platform Manager to establish a connection instead of manually establishing a connection, see Connecting the CETK to a Target Device by Using Platform Manager.
In This Section
- Configuring the CETK to Communicate with a Target Device
Tells how to configure the CETK port number settings and starting the Clientside.exe application to communicate with the device under test.
- Running the CETK Tool without the CETK Client in the Run-Time Image
Discusses how to add support for the CETK to a target device that has a run-time image without support for the CETK.
- Wcetk.txt and Clientside.exe Settings for the CETK
Describes the settings for these files.
- Adding Support for the CETK to an OS Design in Platform Builder
Discusses adding CETK support to your OS in PB before building the run-time image.
- Running the CETK Client on a Target Device Connected to Platform Builder
Discusses running the CETK using PB.