
Adding Support for the CETK to an OS Design in Platform Builder (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


Before you use the Windows Embedded CE 6.0 Test Kit (CETK), the run-time image for the target device that you want to test must support the CETK. In Platform Builder, you can add support for the CETK to an operating system (OS) design before you build the run-time image.


Platform Builder does not automatically add CETK support to the OS build. If you want the CETK supported in your build, you must select it for inclusion. Please also note that you can manually include files to support the CETK without including it in your OS build.

To add support for the CETK to an OS design in Platform Builder

  1. In the Catalog, select the checkboxes next to the items you wish to add, or right-click on the item and select Add.

  2. From the Build menu under Global Build Settings, verify that Copy Files to Release Directory after Build and Make Run-Time Image after Build are selected.

  3. From the Build OS menu, choose Build Solution to build the run-time image.

  4. After the run-time image builds, download the run-time image to a target device.

You can dynamically add support for the CETK to a target device that has a run-time image built without support for the CETK. For more information, see Running the CETK Tool without the CETK Client in the Run-Time Image.

After you download the run-time image to the target device, you can run the CETK client software on the downloaded run-time image. For more information, see Running the CETK Client on a Target Device Connected to Platform Builder.

See Also


Running the CETK Tool on the Development Workstation
Configuring the CETK to Communicate with a Target Device

Other Resources

Manual Connection of the CETK to a Target Device
How to Use the CETK to Test a Driver