
Microprocessor Hardware Considerations (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


For information about bringing up your microprocessor, see Bringing Up a Hardware Platform.

A networked media device (NMD) requires a modern 32-bit microprocessor supported by Windows Embedded CE. Windows Embedded CE supports various microprocessors from the ARM, MIPS, SHx, and x86 families. For more information, see this Microsoft Web site.

The microprocessor must support 32-bit addressing, and because Windows Embedded CE implements a virtual memory system, the microprocessor must contain a memory management unit (MMU) to support virtual-memory-to-physical-memory translations.

Because there is no required minimum for the number of microprocessor cycles per second, Microsoft recommends offloading audio and video decoding to a digital signal processor (DSP), especially if you have a slower microprocessor. If you do not use a DSP, your microprocessor might require more cycles per second.

Your microprocessor and DSP configuration must be able to appropriately handle audio and video playback.

See Also


Hardware Architecture Diagram for Networked Media Devices

Other Resources

Performance Considerations for the Hardware Components of Networked Media Devices
Core OS Services
Developing a Board Support Package
Developing a Device Driver
Developing an OEM Adaptation Layer
CETK Tests